
What renal failure (cell therapy) is a common metabolic performance?

What common metabolic manifestations of renal failure?

Renal failure, also known as pre-uremia. Impairment of renal function has been quite serious, have been unable to maintain a stable internal environment of the body, patients prone to fatigue, weakness, difficulty concentrating and other symptoms can aggravate anemia significantly, nocturia, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased significantly, and often acidosis . This period is also called azotemia.

1, water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders: kidney regulate vital organs water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, and its damage, can directly affect the normal conduct of these links, causing a series of clinical manifestations.

(L) Acidosis: mild acidosis can no clinical manifestations. When the carbon dioxide combining power less than 15 mmol / liter, it can be expressed as breathing deepened to speed, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness, irritability, severe disturbance of consciousness, and coma.

(2) dehydration and edema: edema can occur in patients with renal failure, dehydration can also occur. This is due to renal tubular dysfunction, concentration loss of function, even without drinking water, but also can emit large amounts of dilute urine, the results lead to thirst, urine dehydration performance, as you will not pay attention to supplement reduced renal blood flow, renal ischemia, accelerate kidney damage, so water in this case more important than medication. On the other hand, renal excretion poor, overload if water intake, water and no discharge, retention in the body, manifested oliguria, weight gain, edema, renal vascular swelling affecting renal blood flow, but also can aggravate kidney damage. Therefore, the weight should be measured daily, recording and other additional 24 hours urine excretion, which is an important observation index.

(3) the sodium, potassium, Change: Cause of hyponatremia is renal tubular sodium reabsorption dysfunction, but also with long-term low-salt diet, diuretics and diarrhea and so on. High sodium is due to uremia more urine without edema, and thus did not restrict salt intake, sodium retention and beyond renal natriuresis load. Can occur weight gain, edema, and even cause decreased urine output. We should always observe whether the fatigue, drowsiness, tendon reflexes and other low-sodium performance and the performance of the aforementioned high sodium should regularly review the content of various electrolytes in the blood, in order to adjust. Oliguria and long-term use of potassium-sparing diuretics are the most common cause of hyperkalemia causes. In addition uremic patients because excretory function decline, and due to the poor appetite, calorie intake, leading to tissue decomposition accelerated release of large amounts of potassium, combined with acidosis, increased sodium kidney exchange, exchange potassium and sodium reduction and other reasons, can cause a sudden increase in potassium, myocardial suppression appears on clinical manifestations, such as low heart sounds, slow heart rate, heart rhythm disorders and even arrest; also common symptoms of skeletal muscles, such as numbness, fatigue, weakness and numbness, paralysis, symptoms often caused by development of lower extremity upwards; fainting may occur and consciousness disorders; respiratory muscle can sometimes suppress, resulting in respiratory arrest. The occurrence of hypokalemia include two aspects, one due to the body water retention appears dilutive hypokalemia, hypokalemia performance time there, and the amount of potassium and a lot, mainly due to the re-distribution of potassium in the body; the other On the one hand due to the intake of too little, vomiting, diarrhea, loss, and loss caused by the lack of a diuretic potassium in, there really hypokalemia. In addition to the performance of hypokalemia paralysis gastrointestinal symptoms (such as bloating, bowel sounds decreased), the remaining manifestations and symptoms similar to hyperkalemia.

2, poisons and metabolites accumulated symptoms caused by:

(1) the hematopoietic system: chronic renal failure patients have anemia of varying severity, and more from chronic malnutrition, erythropoietin reducing and due to hemolysis. Renal failure patients have bleeding tendencies, manifested as subcutaneous bleeding, bruising, bleeding gums, epistaxis, severe gastrointestinal bleeding and death can occur. Additionally, you can have abnormal white blood cells, as "uremic toxins" role, so that the formation and function of white blood cells are obstacles, WBC decrease (mainly lymphocytes decreased production), neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocytosis and the ability to kill bacteria also decreased.

(2) the performance of the digestive system: Digestive System performance is the earliest and one of the most common manifestations, mainly anorexia, dyspepsia. Severe cases may have glossitis, oral erosion. May have vomiting, bloody diarrhea if peptic ulcer involving the blood vessels.

(3) Respiratory system: respiratory system generally arise when there is difficulty in breathing acidosis, but also by generating bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy and other symptoms of uremia.

(4) the cardiovascular system: common are hypertension, myocarditis and pericarditis uremia, a variety of arrhythmias and heart failure.

(5) The skeletal system: Because calcium and phosphorus metabolism, may appear osteoporosis, osteomalacia or osteitis inflammation and pain pseudo fractures.

(6) Skin manifestations: it can be manifested as skin pale, dry, itching and "urea cream."

(7) neuropsychiatric symptoms: central manifestations unresponsive, depression, irritability, agitation, convulsions, lethargy and coma. Peripheral lesions showed the performance of peripheral nerve degeneration, skin allergies, burning, limb weakness and movement disorder.


