
Creatinine renal failure treatment is drop it?

Treatment of renal failure is lower creatinine it? Is the treatment of kidney failure is simply to drop creatinine it? If simply to just reduce creatinine Dialysis is the fastest way to reduce creatinine. We all know that the treatment of kidney disease is not simply reduced creatinine, but the recovery of renal function. So, the treatment of renal failure Creatinine is down it?

Treatment of renal failure is lower creatinine it? Non-dialysis treatment for kidney failure in practice to control the disease renal failure to carry out the implementation of recovery late impaired renal function has a positive meaning, but demand prompt patients to note that mere non-dialysis Treatment for kidney failure patients and can not get the basic nature of the treatment, not from substantially blocking renal fibrosis process, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells, and thus on renal failure patients, the most important thing from basic the blocking renal fibrosis process, in order to play the effects of treatment.

Treatment of renal failure Creatinine is drop it? Early prevention of chronic renal failure has drawn increasing attention of experts and scholars. Early prevention, also known as "primary prevention" refers to chronic renal failure before prevention starts. Early census includes kidney disease, kidney disease to kidney disease and may involve a positive control, in order to prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure.

Delay the development of chronic renal failure measures:

(1) to strengthen follow-up: regular follow-up to delay the progression of renal failure is very good, there are plans to make the patient for treatment and receive guidance to help patients reduce or avoid aggravating renal incentives, such as drug-induced damage, caused by dehydration hypovolemia, hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, urinary tract obstruction, infection, bleeding and so on.

(2) a reasonable diet: a lot of research and clinical observation experiments showed that slows down low protein and (or) low-phosphorus diet enables most patients with chronic renal failure process, even temporarily stop the progress of renal failure. Low-protein diet or combined with essential amino acids reduce chronic renal hyperfiltration state, help prevent progression of chronic renal failure. The main measures to control hyperphosphatemia is low phosphorus diet, such as taking phosphate binders.

(3) control of blood pressure: renovascular hypertension or primary control, can prevent progression of glomerular sclerosis. The former is mainly controlled glomerular hyperperfusion, which rely mainly on the application of antihypertensive drugs. Control high blood pressure (or diabetic nephropathy) can be applied to small doses of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (captopril), can reduce glomerular pressure.

Treatment of renal failure is lower creatinine it? Suggest that the majority of patients with kidney disease micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for treatment radically. After expansion of the renal artery pure Chinese at all levels, can promote blood circulation, relieve glomerulus "three high" shape, repair the glomerular basement membrane, prompting metabolites excreted toxins, improve blood pressure, metabolic acidosis symptoms, patients nausea, vomiting and other adverse symptoms also will disappear; medicine active substances into the human body can quickly transfer kidney lesions, and immune complexes, induced renal toxicity factor and other pathogenic factors closely integrated, and its inability to implement strong attack, which was broken, and completely eliminate cracking, blocking kidney continued to improve.


