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Chinese medicine how to treat renal failure! In China, traditional Chinese medicine has a long history, has far-reaching roots. So far, it is also an important method of treatment of the disease. So, Chinese medicine is how to treat renal failure do? Consider the following description.

1. With respect to the performance of a high fever, delirium, mania, retching, back pain, vomiting epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematuria, dark purple or red rash, tongue deep dark deep plum, moss yellow coke or prick times onwards, rapid pulse kidney failure patients, the general party election Qingwenbaiduyin Modified: gypsum, habitat, horns, gardenia, bellflower, skullcap, Anemarrhena, red peony root, Scrophulariaceae, forsythia, licorice, Dan, fresh bamboo leaves. If hematuria than the author, Canada thistle, Chine; coma plus iris, turmeric chinghsin resuscitation; seriously ill, plus Angongniuhuang treatment methods.

Second, for the performance of heat palpitations irritability, coma manic delirium, convulsions spasm Jue, A blue lips black, deep plum dark red tongue, slippery pulse number of patients. Expelling pure heart resuscitation, Xifeng cool liver, blood circulation. The general antelope horn, cream mulberry leaves, fritillary, habitat, Uncaria, chrysanthemum, Fu Shen, peony, licorice, Zhuru, peach, angelica, Dan, rhubarb, Glauber's salt, Angongniuhuang. If the heat even more than plus Zixue wind to heat Xifeng antispasmodic; and other treatment.

Third, for the performance of strong heat endless, irritability, palpitations, shortness of breath, dry mouth, want to drink, headache, body pain, oliguria yellow red, or urine retention, red tongue, yellow dry, pulse a few patients, the general BHT close Huanglianjiedu Decoction: Gypsum, altogether, licorice, rice, berberine, Scutellaria, Phellodendron, Gardenia. If severe fever, plus Zixue scattered to clear evil heat; thirst worse plus Dendrobium, pollen to heat thirst; scanty dark urine, or hematuria increased thistle, Chine, Health Burnet to heat diuretic, cooling blood to stop bleeding Methods for treatment.


