
Elderly renal failure (cell therapy) What are the reasons

1, hypertensive renal parenchymal changes prevalence rate of hypertension in China from the 1950s to the 1990s, rose 5.11 percent to 11.88 percent, more than 60 years older prevalence of hypertension was 15% to 50%. Systemic hypertension can be transferred to the kidneys, resulting in a small kidney artery, particularly afferent arterioles and capillaries pellets damage, hardened. Hypertension group than in the control group of the same age GFR decreased significantly. Many experimental studies confirm that hypertension is an important factor to accelerate glomerular sclerosis, controlling high blood pressure can delay the progress of renal insufficiency.

2, diabetic nephropathy Diabetes is a common disease of the elderly, the course of 10 to 20 years, about 50 percent of people with diabetes clinical diabetic nephropathy occurred about 5% to 10% died of uremia. Have demonstrated reduction of glomerular filtration rate in diabetes more rapidly than non-diabetics, if accompanied by high blood pressure is more significant.

3, atherosclerotic renal vascular changes in the renal artery atherosclerosis is a part of systemic atherosclerosis. Often involving the abdominal aorta artery and renal arteries and trunk opening, lumen obstruction less than 50%, RBF, or GFR may change, along with blocking progress, renal blood flow, increased ipsilateral kidney renin release caused by increased blood pressure. And cholesterol diet can accelerate glomerular sclerosis, in high concentrations of lipoproteins, mesangial cells can capture lipids, resulting in mesangial cell proliferation, focal glomerulosclerosis.

4, lower urinary tract anatomical abnormalities and age-related anatomical abnormalities involving the urethra, male prostatic hypertrophy occur easily, can cause severe obstructive nephropathy, renal function loss. Women prone to pelvic relaxation, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, tumors and blocking one or both ureters or kidneys, affect renal function.

5, high-protein diet for many years more than the recommended daily dietary protein supply amount (RDA) 0.8g / kg, can lead to glomerular filtration and renal plasma flow increases into the plasma protein increased mesangial mesangial deposition , culminating in glomerulosclerosis. Limit protein diet can slow down the process of glomerular sclerosis.

6, drug-induced renal damage drugs cause kidney damage and the interaction between the drugs in elderly patients is very prominent. With the aging process, drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion etc changed greatly enhanced role of the drug, prolonged duration of action, even at low blood concentration, the side effects can occur. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aminoglycoside antibiotics, analgesics and antidepressants can cause kidney damage.

7, other bacteria or viruses that cause immune damage, urinary tract infections and various types of kidney disease can aggravate elderly kidney damage. Heart failure, myocardial infarction, cardiac tamponade; bleeding, inadequate intake, vomiting, diarrhea, caused by low blood pressure; abuse of diuretics lead to renal hypoperfusion, renal ischemic injury will aggravate the renal function in elderly.

Various functions are elderly kidney with aging occur in varying degrees of changes due to the elderly by physiological aging and various pathological factors, it is still difficult to determine whether the mechanism of renal dysfunction caused by aging itself or due to a variety of diseases accumulated kidney damage.


