
Renal failure (cell therapy) will be lethargy are the symptoms?

Why lethargy symptoms of renal failure? Symptoms of renal disease are not the same in different periods, in which there is a symptom, it is lethargy symptoms of kidney failure. But many people do not know the symptoms of kidney failure belongs to that period, so I want to look at aspects of this knowledge.

First we have to understand that it is divided into acute and chronic renal failure, renal failure progression rapid, usually due to insufficient renal blood supply (such as trauma or burn), renal function due to some factors that cause damage or obstruction It is hurt by the poison, causing kidney failure generation. The chronic renal failure was mainly due to long-term kidney disease, along with the time and the disease, decreased kidney function, resulting in renal failure.

After the illness should be treated, no matter what kind of disease, the patient must first maintain a good mood for treatment, the disease can be used for kidney failure and electrolyte balance disorder treatment methods, hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia kidney dysfunction, urinary excretion of phosphorus reduced, leading to elevated serum phosphorus. The combination of phosphorus and calcium from the intestinal discharge compensation, limiting the absorption of calcium, low albumin, when coupled with anorexia and kidney, as well as kidney illness after 1.25 (OH) 2D3 generated obstacles, etc., will reduce the calcium. Hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia stimulate the parathyroid glands, causing secondary hyperparathyroidism, leading to bone calcification disorders, which will produce rickets in young patients, adult patients with uremic osteodystrophy occurs.


