
What are the main points of renal failure diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of renal failure have? Dehydration caused by oliguria anuria generally have a history of dehydration, oliguria relative density is high, sometimes as high as 1.030 or more, and sometimes kidney failure can be dehydrated simultaneously. The differential difficulty using the following method: renal failure, renal failure is easy to confuse the symptoms with which to pay attention to the differential diagnosis of phase with the following symptoms?:

Differential diagnosis of renal failure have?

(A) renal renal failure: often suddenly no urine, the condition improved after removal of the obstruction, urine output increased rapidly. B-shows increased two kidneys and hydronephrosis. KUB stones can be found in the shadow of increased renal shadow. Movies such as renal chronic kidney disease should be considered narrow, 15 minutes is not decreased, and the use of rapid infusion of mannitol prompt does not increase the amount of urine obstruction.

(B) prerenal fluoride quality hyperlipidemia: Kidney hypoperfusion can occur prerenal azotemia, and renal failure (ARF) to identify op.

(Iii) Renal: renal failure, acute interstitial nephritis main room, acute renal disease, renal vascular inflammation and acute exacerbations of chronic renal failure.

Differential diagnosis of renal failure have?

Differential diagnosis 1. history of renal failure which should include the following?:

(1) Have a history of serious infections such as sepsis, septic shock, infection, infected endocarditis, suppurative cholangitis, acute pancreatitis, hemorrhagic fever, toxic dysentery, pneumonia and other shock.

(2) to understand the crush injuries, burns, bleeding and circumstances.

(3) to understand whether the edema, hypertension, urinary tract irritation. Difficulty urinating or poor urine flow and other glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and urinary tract obstruction history.

(4) understand whether severe dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance history; the history of the presence or absence of various shock.

(5) for cardiovascular disease.

(6) understand the history of toxic exposure, medication history, fluid situation, blood transfusion and estimating the amount of liquid out of people.

Differential diagnosis of renal failure have? Generally history to determine the cause and then diagnose the disease in order to determine before renal, renal and post-renal kidney failure.

2. The differential diagnosis of renal failure have? Laboratory examination is an important diagnostic tool, we can establish the diagnosis and infer the cause, to judge the severity of renal failure.

(1) blood serum biochemical tests: routine can determine the degree of anemia extent of infection and blood concentrate and so on. Biochemical performance intractable metabolic acidosis, high blood urea nitrogen, creatinine high, creatinine clearance rate. Check electrolyte prone to hyperkalemia, hyponatremia (usually diluted hyponatremia people hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia. Hyperkalemia is one cause of death.

(2) Determination of renal failure index (Renal failure index RFI): RFI = serum creatinine X :: urine creatinine ratio> 1.

(3) Determination of urine osmolality: normal urine osmolality> 550min / kg.H2o, then you can significantly decrease performance.

(4) urine tests include: changes in urine output, urine relative density checks, kidney failure daily urine output of less than 400ml or less than 17ml per hour. Complete anuria expressed or bilateral renal cortical necrosis urinary tract obstruction. Urine tests, including urine protein qualitative cell case and various casts, urine and so qualitative. Fixed low relative density of urine, oliguria premise in relative density of urine l.018 as suspicious. Which can L.014 following diagnostic, 1.010-1.012 can be sure the diagnosis.

(5) Determination of urinary sodium: When kidney failure is discharged raw steel is more than 30 ~ 40 mih / L, functional pee less sodium excretion is less than 10 min / L, showed renal tubular sodium absorption barriers.

3. The differential diagnosis of renal failure have? Physical examination focused on the degree of anemia, venous filling degree, degree of dehydration, rash, petechiae, ecchymosis. Cardiopulmonary signs checks. Abdominal mass and abdominal tenderness, kidney palpation tenderness and percussion pain kidney area, with or without urine retention in the bladder. Differential diagnosis of renal failure as above, I hope a better understanding of kidney failure in patients help!


