
Patients with renal failure should how reasonable arrangements diet?

Patients with renal failure should how reasonable arrangements diet? Reasonable scientific diet for patients with renal failure is a vital part, if there was an effective treatment, can not control and regulate the daily diet habits, could easily lead to kidney disease Patients with disease recurrence, so with a reasonable diet program based on the development of the patient's condition.

Renal failure is the development of various chronic kidney disease to renal section late or pathological condition caused by the loss of all. So stage renal failure every patient habits is important to note, because the small deviation is to make the patient's condition may change. In the course of treatment must be treatment with reasonable scientific diet to stabilize the control of the disease.

1, chronic renal failure patients due to strict dietary restrictions, often lack water-soluble vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C and folic acid, iron, zinc and other trace elements.

2, where appropriate to increase the dose of vitamin B6 required, each time to 10mg, 2 times a day, orally, because vitamin B6 activity decreased significantly in patients with chronic renal failure.

3, when patients with renal function in early and middle stages of damage, protein per kilogram of body weight daily intake is about 0.6 grams more appropriate, but must make up the heat. In the low-protein diet, mainly to high-quality protein, such as milk, eggs, fish and lean meat, with non-essential amino acids such as dry foods high in beans, soy products, nuts and cereals should be limited edible.

4, chronic renal failure, be sure to add vitamin preparations, because more patients with chronic renal failure associated with poor digestion and absorption, vitamin supplements with food can not meet the needs of the body metabolism.

5, chronic renal failure patients in the water balance is very important. The amount of the liquid to be determined in accordance with the discharge amount. We must be under the guidance of a doctor, a liquid supplement to prevent water intake, discharge barriers, and increased edema.

On issues related to kidney failure diet expert physician will probably introduced here. If there are problems can be directly related to diet consultant. According to the severity of the patient at the time of development to develop appropriate diet program itself.


