
Cause of acute renal failure which

Speaking of renal failure, has been described to the point where the mere mention of people talk bad, a lot of kidney failure is due to other kidney disease evolved, why it happened kidney failure it? What are the causes of kidney failure? Here then we follow the expert footsteps to look at it together.

Predisposing factors common acute renal diseases are:

1, circulatory insufficiency: various causes shock, heart failure and other circulatory insufficiency, causing renal hypoperfusion, GFR decline. Excessive use of antihypertensive drugs is also a result of induced;

2, severe trauma: such as burns, crush injuries, severe fractures due to the shock, infection and wound tissue releases myoglobin so easy aRF occur. Severe burns and the loss of large amounts of liquid intravascular hemolysis aRF also prone;

3, after surgery: severe primary disease, use of narcotic and sedative drugs, tissue trauma, fluid loss, blood loss and other factors make after major surgery prone aRF. Opportunity renal failure after cardiac surgery depends on cardiopulmonary short-time and cardiac function recovery;

4, the elderly and child care: the elderly kidney function degradation and detoxification of drugs decreased sensitivity to high nephrotoxic drugs, renal failure prone. Yi children, the situation dehydration hypovolemia, hypotension occurs;

5 obstetric complications: early pregnancy abortion rhyme pollution and late severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, bleeding, pain and other complications are children easily induced aRF;

6, hypovolemia: hemorrhage due to various reasons; kidney and gastrointestinal fluid loss, skin fluid loss (such as burns, excessive sweating) caused by insufficient blood volume. Low blood volume reduction of renal perfusion, GFR decline, while the sympathetic nerve and elevated vasopressin caused renal vasoconstriction, so that a further decline in GFR, and induce aRF;

7, severe infection and sepsis: kidney disease experts pointed out that a variety of serious infections, especially those with sepsis by renal ischemia and renal toxicity mechanism induced aRF.

These are the causes of acute renal failure caused by the hope patients and friends can keep in mind to avoid the occurrence of acute renal failure. If in doubt, please consult the online experts.


