
Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure can play what role?

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure can play what role? Chronic renal failure is caused by a primary glomerular disease, serious kidney damage, resulting in decreased renal function can not maintain the body's normal metabolic balance, hypertension, high blood pressure, proteinuria and other symptoms. If you can play through traditional Chinese medicine what effect?

Severe stage of kidney disease. Progression of renal damage in chronic renal failure is not an independent disease but a variety of causes of deterioration of end-stage performance. Causes of renal failure is the most common primary glomerular diseases; secondary glomerular diseases, such as how to treat diabetes, hypertension, systemic lupus erythematosus, allergic purpura, what is the cause of chronic renal failure ? Treatment of chronic renal failure have? chronic renal failure how to prevent it?

Chinese medicine is how the treatment of chronic renal failure? Usually the treatment of kidney disease, appear the most is the oral drug detoxification, mainly Ai Xite, Niaoduqing, oxidized starch, Shenshuaining, these drugs can play a role in detoxification, elimination of symptoms, but the root cause is still, and this is the main cause of recurrent disease, then how chronic renal failure should be treated?

According to scientific diet and treatment the patient's condition developed:

(A) generally use low-protein diet, but not to produce negative nitrogen balance principle. Should be given high-quality protein, such as eggs, dairy, fish, lean meat and so on. Limiting intake of vegetable protein. ② high-calorie, less than a day 125.5kJ / kg body weight. ③ vitamin supplements. ④ water intake should be, as the case may be, daily urine output in more than 1000ml. Nor edema should not water restrictions. ⑤ do not have too much salt restriction, because the sodium storage dysfunction, urine sodium loss. ⑥ oliguria should be strictly limited phosphorus potassium foods.

(B) the treatment of essential amino acids essential amino acids oral or intravenous fluid, adult daily 9-23g. Where the use of this method should not eat with non-essential amino acid-rich foods, and eating low amounts of high-quality protein (daily 0.3g / kg body weight), in order to promote the body's use of urea non-essential amino acids, and then the synthesis of human proteins and essential amino acids, thereby to reduce blood urea nitrogen purposes.

(C) Upon sodium expansion diuretic therapy that first-served sodium bicarbonate 3g / d, (such as patients who already Shuina Zhu slip, without first serving sodium bicarbonate), and then give furosemide, starting dosage is 100mg / d, quiet Note that daily urine output of about 2000ml, otherwise, doubling the speed of urine daily until it reaches far above the amount of urine, but the total daily dose of furosemide should not exceed 1000mg, such as furosemide every exceeds 200mg, should be added to the glucose solution within infusion.

(Iv) the application of vasoactive drugs dopamine 20mg, phentolamine 10mg added to 250ml of 5% glucose solution intravenously, drip 1ml / min, 1 day, a total of seven times. May improve renal blood flow, urine output increased, blood urea nitrogen discharged promote.

(E) Oral oxidized starch 20-40g / d, can gut a combination of urea and oxidized starch excreted, 1-2 weeks, blood urea nitrogen can be reduced by about 30%, because of dizziness, nausea, diarrhea Side effects, the current multi DASC (albumin oxidized starch coating formulation), the formulation minor side effects.

(Vi) rhubarb 10g, oysters 30g, dandelion 20g, decoction to 300ml, high enema 1-2 times a day, daily control in patients with diarrhea 3-4 times better promote fecal nitrogen excretion.

Chronic renal failure patients on drug side effects and treatment methods should be scientific and reasonable arrangement, and make the condition was stable control, in the treatment of immune complexes to remove kidney intrinsic cells to repair damaged main. The only way to stabilize the condition, which enable patients to return to normal life to go.


