
Chronic renal failure (cell therapy) do inspections

Chronic renal failure do what check? Chronic renal disease need to be checked in a timely manner, which would allow the patient to determine the disease, thereby using the method for medical treatment. Thus, timely diagnosis is very important, not only for the treatment of post-helpful, but also allow the patient to a speedy recovery.

Experts said the medical profession in general in clinical, chronic renal failure inspection, it needs to be blood, urine, kidney function, blood biochemistry examination. This is chronic renal failure test items, the following is a detailed description, first aspect of blood, obviously anemia, normal cell anemia, normal or elevated white blood cell count. Platelets, small cell sedimentation rate accelerated. Followed by kidney function tests, the indicators are diminished. In addition, blood biochemistry, plasma albumin decreased, low blood calcium, phosphorus increased, blood potassium and sodium with the disease.

In addition to the above requirements, there is chronic renal failure patients the most important thing is to carry out routine urine examination, with the primary disease differ. Its common denominator is, ① reduce urine osmolality, much less in 450mOsm per kg, the weight low, more or less at 1.018, severe fixed between 1.010-1.012, as a nocturnal urine volume greater than the day when diluted urine concentration test various times were more than 1.020 specific gravity, specific gravity difference between the highest and lowest of less than 0.008. ② decreased urine output, more than 1000ml or less daily. ③ increased urinary protein excretion, glomerular late because the vast majority have been destroyed, but reduce urinary protein. ④ urinary sediment testing, can have varying amounts of red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells and granular casts, waxy casts the most sense. And other items seized detection, X-ray KUB and angiography, isotope renography, renal scan, renal puncture biopsy testing, etiological diagnosis for help.

Under normal circumstances, after the diagnosis of chronic renal failure patients, effective treatment can be carried out, the current methods for the treatment of chronic renal disease, the patient can choose surgery, kidney transplant. Kidney transplantation is to implant a healthy kidney patients within the right lower quadrant of the iliac fossa. Because the right iliac fossa vascular shallow, easily connected with the new kidney vascular surgery. After more generally select internal iliac artery anastomosis, if the inner lumen of the right iliac artery atherosclerosis occurs, the lumen is small, insufficient blood flow after the fear, also can make the patient external iliac artery anastomosis, vascular anastomosis, release all resistance broken blood vessel forceps, pending new kidney blood supply is good, then sutured abdominal wall, to complete the operation. Kidney transplant kidney is not the exchange of new and old kidney.

Chronic renal failure do what check? Above is how chronic renal disease introduced checks, while its treatment methods were explained, in order to be able to better help this patient's disease.


