
Chronic renal failure treatment preparedness

Chronic renal failure if not treated, then make the disease chronic deterioration, or even become a serious uremia, so the use of scientific and effective treatment is necessary, but treatment needs to be done in the preparatory work it is also essential that we introduce specific chronic renal failure Before the patient during treatment, you should do the necessary preparations have?

General about the treatment of renal failure mainly from two aspects to proceed

First, there is no work to do to control complications of treatment, to prevent the deterioration of the condition of other causes dull; second, patients have no measures for their treatment of renal failure severity of adoption.

Most of the symptoms of patients with renal failure in general and water, electrolyte and acid-base balance has a great relationship

In this case the need to improve the treatment of disorders within the environment, regulate the balance of renal function. Experts recommend choosing targeted penetration therapy for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine therapy with the characteristics of living kidney series of prescriptions by regulating the body's immune function, repair of the glomerular basement membrane, the active ingredients of drugs permeate through the point spread to the kidney patients, in order to pass kidney meridians, blood circulation, detoxification Jiangzhuo as the way to clear the kidneys, renal function activated for the purpose. Can effectively promote and improve the already shrinking necrosis of the renal microcirculation, accelerate metabolism kidney disease, the drug of the active ingredient fully play its role, to repair damaged glomeruli, glomerular reabsorption enhance, restore normal physiological function of the kidneys. Targeted therapy of traditional Chinese medicine penetration treatment of renal failure with good results, the therapy in order to pass kidney meridians, promoting blood circulation, detoxification Jiangzhuo as the way to clear the kidneys, renal function activated for the purpose.

Suggest that the majority of patients with chronic renal failure early prepare scientific and effective treatment, it is recommended in the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine penetration with a targeted therapy, early treatment early rehabilitation. Also in the choice of treatment for kidney disease at the same time to choose a professional hospital for specialized treatment, so that the disease can be combined to achieve the best results!


