
A good way to treat chronic renal failure

Renal failure, as the name implies, renal failure, has come to the stage, many patients in that depressed after his illness, believed to have incurable, if there is this idea that they really hopeless, just find a good method of treatment, the disease is not incurable. So what good treatment methods?

1: You can not simply use the detoxification of drugs, because drug detox directly whether Western or remedies, traditional Chinese medicine, the disease is not controlled after repeated use has been described ineffective simple to use, and then insist on the application on the side effects of the drug significantly increased, not only the disease is not effective treatment, and vice versa, will increase the difficulty of treatment of the disease, delays and missed the best timing of treatment.

2: For detoxification effect is not ideal patient, and then only for the medical treatment or detoxification treatment if it would be unwise. Faced with clinical symptoms when the use of drugs can not be effectively controlled in time, to pass through Scr, Bun indicators of clinical testing to a deeper understanding of the presence of kidney disease and to promote fundamental contradiction pathological damage progression.

3: The fundamental contradiction is the progression of renal fibrosis process has not been effectively controlled. Renal fibrosis process consists of three stages: inflammation of the kidneys - renal fibrosis - A kidney scar formation stage. Clinicians only three-wen, emphasis is focused on the fundamental treatment.

4: For Scr, Bun clinical indicators appear, the clinical use of poison row can temporarily help patients to discharge part intestinal toxins, but due to not catch the disease lies, only solves the surface of the phenomenon, it is impossible in the treatment of breakthrough, disease will continue to deteriorate. Scr, Bun existence is actually a chronic inflammatory process of renal fibrosis infiltration caused damage and kidney renal microvascular obstruction caused by ischemia and hypoxia, decreased and extracellular matrix healthy kidney inherent cells increased, so that the kidneys normally filter over the area reduced, resulting in the accumulation of toxins caused.

There are a good way to treat kidney failure it? Only actively and effectively to resolve conflicts arising from the above aspects, integrative medicine to effectively treat the disease progresses, play a therapeutic purpose.


