
Chronic renal failure (cell therapy) caused respiratory complications

Nausea and vomiting in patients with chronic renal failure is digestive dysfunction performance. Because each patient varying severity, and thus the number and extent of nausea and vomiting is different, but many patients often clinically telling the doctor, morning nausea or vomiting increased, this is why? First, we should understand due to renal function failure, blood urea nitrogen increased, intestinal bacterial urease will break down urea into ammonia and stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause nausea, vomiting, nausea and vomiting and therefore an increased emphasis should and blood urea nitrogen. Renal failure, urine concentration dysfunction, nocturnal enuresis lot of patients, due to the massive loss of water at night, blood concentration, and thus the value of the relative increase in blood urea nitrogen morning, so early morning nausea and vomiting worse.

Chronic renal failure patients because of low internal environment disorders and immune function, and the occurrence of lung disease in vivo susceptible to pathogenic factors, mainly uremia, pulmonary edema, pleural effusion and so on.

(1) uremic lung: also known as uremic pulmonary edema, pneumonia, uremia. Its symptoms are mild, only the early symptoms of uremia caused by the gradual emergence of disease progression with mild to moderate cough, phlegm, and a small amount of breathing difficulties. When the development of interstitial fibrosis, dyspnea, and cyanosis increase. Small quantity is also an important symptom of hemoptysis. Be with cardiogenic pulmonary edema, pulmonary infection and pulmonary hemorrhage nephritic syndrome  phase identification.

(2) uremic pleural disease: incidence of 15% to 20%, pleural friction rub, chest pain or chest discomfort, shortness of breath or fever. Pleural friction rub lasted 1 to 15 days, may be associated with exudation. No relationship between blood urea nitrogen and bleed.

(3) pulmonary calcification: CRF often caused by soft tissue calcification, lung is the most common site. The clinical manifestations of chronic dyspnea or acute, sub-acute respiratory failure, chest X-ray may be completely normal. Stop calcium, parathyroid resection, low phosphorus diet, oral alumina and application of low calcium dialysate, increase the number or duration of dialysis can reverse calcification.

(4) uremic pulmonary edema: is one of the common acute nephrology. When CRF patients, especially oliguria, when no urine, such as the sudden appearance of severe dyspnea, orthopnea, with fear, a sense of suffocation, looking schungite, lips cyanosis, sweating, cough, expectoration, may be associated hemoptysis, and a lot of pink frothy sputum, lungs filled with rales symmetry and wheeze, heart rate, pulse weak and should be considered acute pulmonary edema.

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