
Chronic renal failure (cell therapy) clinical manifestations?

Early chronic renal failure, most patients have no symptoms, blood chemistry abnormalities not evident, showing only hypertension, proteinuria and serum uric acid levels increased slightly. Such as chronic renal failure continues to progress, it can cause pathological changes in various systems. Gastrointestinal symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, bad taste) common, often late gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding. See cardiovascular symptoms of hypertension, heart failure, pericarditis. The skin may become brown, sometimes forming uremic frost, itching. BUN, creatinine increased plasma sodium may be normal or reduced. Acidosis often moderate, serum COz content of 15 ~ 20mmol / L. Normal or moderately increased serum potassium, common hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia and anemia. Specifically: your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer!

(1) Water metabolism disorders

Your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer! Chronic renal failure due to different causes, reduced ability for water regulation, but the clinical manifestations vary, such as interstitial damage mainly patients include chronic pyelonephritis, less water retention See, often diluted urine, chronic glomerulonephritis is easy oliguria and water retention.

Your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer!

(2) electrolyte metabolism

Your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer!

1) Sodium: Chronic renal failure patients generally be normal salt intake does not appear sodium retention, thus unless there is sodium retention, not all sodium restriction. Some tubular damage mainly in chronic renal failure patients, such as chronic pyelonephritis, renal cysts, analgesic nephropathy, since the kidneys can not absorb enough sodium back, is prone to hyponatremia. Chronic renal failure due to poor kidney adaptability, a sudden increase in sodium load and reducing sodium intake will have an adverse effect on the kidneys.

2) Potassium: Potassium balance also depends on renal tubular function, a non-end-stage chronic renal failure patients, serum potassium were normal, because of vomiting, diarrhea, and potassium supplement potassium and other factors also appear insufficient; terminally ill, Sometimes potassium will rise, mainly seen oliguria and metabolic acidosis and high potassium intake of drugs, food, etc., since the potassium levels within cells was significantly higher than normal cells, up to 150mmol / L, while its part to it is easy to make when a sharp rise in extracellular potassium outside the cell transfer.

3) Calcium, phosphorus: chronic renal failure patients prone to low blood calcium, but its slow, clinical manifestations obvious. Chronic renal insufficiency GFR decline approaching normal 1/5, phosphorus levels rise, this time by the parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulate the reactivity of renal tubular function decreased, so that elevated phosphorus and parathyroid gonadotropin secretion of a vicious circle. It appears hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia.

4) Magnesium: When the glomerular filtration rate of less than 30ml / min, can occur hypermagnesemia. Serum magnesium concentrations higher than 1.64mmol / L (> 4mg / dl), it can cause drowsiness, loss of appetite, speech disorders. Higher than 2.88mmol / L (> 7mg / dl), drowsiness, blood pressure, bradycardia, atrioventricular block or ventricular conduction block, tendon reflexes. Easy on the symptoms and the clinical symptoms of uremia itself overlap or confusion.

5) Aluminum: accumulate in the body is an important reason leading to osteomalacia and encephalopathy, blood dialysate water quality in the aluminum-containing more long-term dialysis can cause an increase in aluminum content in brain tissue, dementia symptoms.

(3) acid base balance

When the glomerular filtration rate of less than 20ml / min, began to metabolic acidosis.


