
Elderly kidney failure how else?

Elderly kidney failure how else? Elderly suffering from the disease will be based on the symptoms for kidney failure treatment, but also for the disease complications should also be understood that in order to truly cure the disease.

(A) clinical symptoms

History is not typical elderly renal failure can not clear progression occult, clinical often fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms to seek treatment, severe mouth of urine, and even gastrointestinal bleeding. Poor, insomnia, difficulty concentrating are common psychiatric symptoms of early disease. Personality changes late disease: depression, memory loss, an error of judgment, indifferent reaction to the outside world. Uremia often have mental disorders, hallucinations, coma, increased neuromuscular excitability often arise, including hiccups, muscle spasms. Renal failure, often late peripheral neuropathy, lower extremity deep section appears strange feeling and was ant-aliasing or tingling, called restless leg syndrome.

(B) complications

Hypertension is a common complication of renal failure, if not timely and effective control of blood pressure can also increase renal damage, creating a vicious cycle. Other cardiovascular complications include pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, heart failure. About 50% of the patients died and cardiovascular complications. Elderly often accompanied by anemia, renal failure, anemia is associated with symptoms of uremia. Anemia can make heart failure and angina symptoms worse. Anemia related to kidney mechanism is controversial, in addition to a variety of factors cause kidney produce insufficient erythropoietin factor, the uremic plasma of some toxic substances also interfere with erythropoiesis and metabolism. Generally considered to be caused by multiple factors obstacle. Suffering from the disease can occur when water and electrolyte imbalance and metabolic disorders, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, calcium and phosphorus metabolism imbalance (renal dystrophy syndrome), low blood sugar and high blood sugar and so on, if you can not get timely treatment It can be a cause of death of the patient.

Above for the elderly renal failure related content to do a presentation, hoping to help the elderly. There are a variety of clinical symptoms of the disease, but also a lot of complications, so the treatment method to be correct.


