
Kidney transplantation is the best choice for patients 4th stage renal disease

Kidney transplantation is the best choice for patients 4th stage renal disease? In fact, kidney transplant as an effective treatment for renal insufficiency, it could be a good choice for the 4th stage renal failure. But you know, for many reasons, some patients are not suitable for this operation. Furthermore, the transplanted kidney may face failure again, as a doctor I do not recommend patients to take it so early. at the end, they still have some other options.

What procedures can be the best choice for the patient's 4th-stage renal disease?

Dialysis as one of the most common treatment of renal failure, it may be an option. With this treatment, the patient's symptoms can be greatly relieved in a short time. Nevertheless, as a rescue treatment, he will bring some side effect in alleviating symptoms, as dialysis will affect the patient's quality of life to some extent.

Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, has been proven in the most effective treatments for kidney failure. With this treatment, the patient can get the chance to live like a normal person. At least they can live without the quality of dialysis and kidney transplantation.

In fact, except for the two common ways to kidney failure patients also still has some other treatment, based on traditional Chinese medicine, they have a good effect in the treatment of renal failure.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


3rd stage of chronic kidney disease, which is a natural herb for him

More and more people are fond of natural herbs, because small side effects, and excellent therapeutic effects. So over time, there is, people are starting to use it in the treatment of kidney disease, what is the natural travamim 3-stage chronic kidney disease?

What is a natural travamim 3-stage chronic kidney disease?

In fact, there are many types of herbs can be used in the treatment of 3-stage chronic kidney disease, and to the pursuit of the maximum therapeutic effect, doctors combine them together to create a new treatment, which is known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. With the help of this therapy, people who are in the early stages of kidney disease may get a chance to return to normal life. For people who are in a 3-stage kidney disease, they can also have more than a 50% chance to restore his illness.

What Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

It's kind of unique Chinese medicine treatment of external application with herbal bags of Chinese medicine active material on the patient's back, parallel to his kidney, Shen Shu Acupoint, herbs molecule vibrating from medical machines, penetrating through the human body from the skin, cellular space and the space of the fabric and a network in series, finally get in the kidney to improve renal microcirculation and efficiently repair damaged kidney function.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


Patients 5th stage of chronic kidney disease do not want to take dialysis, they should do?

I state in the 5th stage of chronic kidney disease, and I do not want to take dialysis, but the doctor recommended me to take it. I have a poor appetite, and I smoke. What should I do to avoid dialysis?

For people who are in the same situation, the first thing you need to do is to go through dialysis to reduce the high levels of creatinine and relieve symptoms caused by the disease. If you have no other choice, and can not immediately get different treatment. Then you can try to find alternative treatments to help you get rid of it, and cure your disease from the root.

But if you can get a natural treatment over time, you can avoid dialysis and suffer less pain caused by this. Chinese medicine is one of the best choice for people to avoid dialysis. This can help reduce high creatinine and relieve the pain caused by the disease. Moreover, it can protect the remaining kidney from further damage and repair the damaged kidneys. Among them, micro-osmotherapy represents Chinese medicine, it is based on traditional Chinese herb medicine and in combination with Western medicine and modern high technology.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


Creatinine 4.7 3-stage renal disease is reversible?

Creatinine 4.7 3-stage renal disease is reversible? What if serum creatinine levels increase to 4.7? It is reversible? The high level of creatinine is one of the most common symptoms of kidney disease, most patients will experience it. blood creatinine is indicative of kidney function. If the creatinine level remains high for a long time, it means that the kidneys are damaged to some extent.

creatinine level of 4.7, it is reversible?

Creatinine 4.7 higher than normal level when the creatinine level increased, more and more symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, shortness of breath will occur. Lifespan blood cells can also be reduced. If you suffer from these symptoms, you should immediately take the medication.

The most widely used to treat high creatinine some drugs used to lower the level. Or methods to be adopted to alleviate the symptoms. However, both of these methods are not effective. The basic method is to repair the damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Thus, an additional filter creatinine are excreted. 3-stage disease is likely to be reserved with proper treatment. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy recommended.

This therapy is a natural and safe. This can solve the problem at the root. when the state of the disease is progressing well, the symptoms such as high creatinine level will also get reduced. Your overall kidney function and physical condition will improve a lot.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


Life expectancy in the 5th stage renal disease

Life expectancy in the 5th stage renal failure is a common concern for the majority of patients and their families. If you want to know the answers, you first need to know that the 5th stage renal disease, is what it means for you.

5th stage renal disease is end-stage renal disease, the majority of your kidney function is damaged, and there is only 10% less than the kidney can still function effectively. So, in order to extend the life of the patients have to take dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Using these two methods of treatment, patients are living longer, but they can not enjoy life. the two methods have side effects and can cause a lot of complications. Life expectancy of the 5th stage renal disease on dialysis depend on a number of factors such as age, sex, constitution and methods of treating a patient, etc. For patients who are taking dialysis, dialysis they have for the rest of their life and quality of life may be improved slightly.

Why? You know? Because it is a kind of dialysis treatment, which can help alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but can not recover the necrotic tissue, and can not prevent further fibrosis of the kidneys.

Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy,  as an alternative treatment method is adopted more and more people for its remarkable curative effect on kidney disease. This not only can restore the damaged kidney function, but also can prevent further damage to the kidney.

I hope the above information can help you and your friends around you. If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


Which treatment is best for patients 5th stage renal disease

Conditions in some patients already in the 5th stage of kidney disease, it is the final stage of the disease-uremia kidneys. Typically, this time is almost the kidneys can not function and so toxins and waste can not be derived from organism to cause many of the symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, edema, dizziness, and so on. It's awful, seriously affect the lives of patients, so they need to take effective treatment to relieve symptoms and more importantly, to treat kidney disease.

In general, the doctor will recommend to take dialysis. Dialysis can help patients withdraw waste and toxins to quickly alleviate the symptoms, but it is only a temporary effect, it took several time, toxins and wastes will accumulate in the body again, so patients need to take dialysis again, this is a vicious circle. More worse is that not only dialysis can not treat kidney disease, even more will harm the kidneys, therefore, dialysis is not the best choice for patients end-stage renal disease in the future time. so, is there a better choice for them?

Which treatment is best for the patients of the 5th stage of kidney disease?

Currently, Chinese medicine is very popular because it can treat kidney disease fundamentally and without side effects.

Known methods of treatment are the top seven therapy, cooperate with each other, they can achieve better therapeutic effect. They are known as a hot compress therapy, Chinese medicine bath, moxibustion therapy, Chinese medicine for oral, foot bath, treatment cycle, enema therapy, all of which are based on traditional Chinese medicine, but differ with him. They have the same advantages with it, but do not have side effects from it. This means that they can cure the kidney disease with little side effect.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


Chinese herbal medicine for the fifth-stage renal disease

Currently, Chinese herbal medicine known to more and more people. His remarkable effective in many diseases, so patients who are in the 5th stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD) want to know whether there is a Chinese herbal medicine is useful for their illness. If you want to know the answer, please read on, I think you can get what you want.

5th stage of chronic kidney disease is also known as end-stage renal disease patients who are in this stage have to suffer more in both physically and mentally. They have a strong desire to get treatment, but they are afraid of the treatment. Because during the course of therapy, they will suffer more pain, worse more, they can not get rid of him the rest of his life. Such as patients who are on dialysis, he or she should take dialysis two or three times per week, but the kidney function will worsen. Thus, he or she will need to depend on dialysis to kidney transplantation, even after surgery, they still need to worry about a new kidney failure again. It really annoy them. Thus, they are looking for an alternative therapy, herbal medicine and is hoping it can help them get rid of it. Fortunately, there is a new therapy may be useful to them, that is Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy , which is a unique treatment in our hospital, using it more and more patients get rid of dialysis, at least, reduce the time. They can live with the disease and their quality of life improved significantly.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!
