
Creatinine 4.7 3-stage renal disease is reversible?

Creatinine 4.7 3-stage renal disease is reversible? What if serum creatinine levels increase to 4.7? It is reversible? The high level of creatinine is one of the most common symptoms of kidney disease, most patients will experience it. blood creatinine is indicative of kidney function. If the creatinine level remains high for a long time, it means that the kidneys are damaged to some extent.

creatinine level of 4.7, it is reversible?

Creatinine 4.7 higher than normal level when the creatinine level increased, more and more symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, shortness of breath will occur. Lifespan blood cells can also be reduced. If you suffer from these symptoms, you should immediately take the medication.

The most widely used to treat high creatinine some drugs used to lower the level. Or methods to be adopted to alleviate the symptoms. However, both of these methods are not effective. The basic method is to repair the damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Thus, an additional filter creatinine are excreted. 3-stage disease is likely to be reserved with proper treatment. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy recommended.

This therapy is a natural and safe. This can solve the problem at the root. when the state of the disease is progressing well, the symptoms such as high creatinine level will also get reduced. Your overall kidney function and physical condition will improve a lot.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


