
A total of several stages of renal failure, the incidence of it

Now no more than two renal failure treatment: renal transplantation and dialysis. But the key is not good treatment, but that method is scientific and rational, which should be selected according to the condition of each person. So do not go too much care methods.

The disease has been to kidney failure, many patients may choose to give that treatment of renal failure have been no effective way, only quietly waiting for the arrival of uremia. But we learned by examining patients of renal failure, although the glomerular filtration rate has dropped to 10 to 15 ml per minute, but still healthy after 20% of renal units, which means that as long as the blocking condition continued to deteriorate seize the incidence of causes, some residual nephrons protection from damage, kidney failure then you can get blocked, the condition can be treated.
Because kidney failure is the process of renal fibrosis deepening process, thus blocking renal fibrosis treatment has become the main points. Extraction of the active ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine and targeted positioning in the kidney lesions micro osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, blood stasis and clearing through the role of preventing renal interstitial fibroblasts into myofibroblasts a lot of a lot of transformation, and have been transformed fibroblast cell lysis, fragmentation; also through vasodilator effects, improve renal ischemia, anoxia, continue to curb kidney fibrosis source, thus preventing the remaining 20% ​​of renal units continue fibrosis.
Nephropathy development to the end, quantity and variety of symptoms also appear, drowsiness, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting rush, when patients often painful that death is not far away, in fact, as long as the correct understanding of the complications of Cause and positive control, along with the gradual recovery of renal function at the same time, complications will gradually ease and disappear. If you have any questions online consultation hospital specialists.


