
The main method of treating patients with renal failure which

The main method of treatment of patients with kidney failure are those? Renal failure patients should be able to actively control a variety of primary diseases caused by CRF, such as chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis. Kidney damage has occurred, the need to prevent and treat infections, control of hypertension, avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs, while paying attention to proper diet and rest, in order to effectively prevent the disease progression, promote disease recovery.

Causes of chronic renal failure is more complex, in primary kidney disease, the most common chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure accounted for the overall incidence of more than half (about 50% --70%), chronic pyelonephritis about a quarter of nephritis, there are other causes of renal arteriosclerosis; secondary kidney disease, how to treat common in diabetic nephropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus nephropathy, gouty nephropathy.

Chronic renal failure according to the degree of renal dysfunction, divided into four phases,

The first stage decompensated renal insufficiency (serum creatinine in clinical diagnosis 133--177 of this period patients may have no symptoms);

The second phase is also called azotemia of renal insufficiency and renal insufficiency decompensated, this period of serum creatinine generally 186--442;

The third period of renal failure, Cr between 451--707;

Fourth, uremia, Cr over 707.

Check cause kidney failure should note that my friends is not to be fooled by the illusion of chronic renal failure, due to the early signs of CRF are not typical, but can occur any symptoms of a system, therefore, easily misdiagnosed as a disease of a system, particularly Those patients with no apparent chronic kidney disease, where there is weakness, fatigue, physical decline, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting or gastrointestinal bleeding friend; and general weakness, paleness, anemia, pruritus symptoms to see a doctor, often be mistaken for gastrointestinal diseases, cancer, aplastic anemia, peripheral neuritis and other diseases, delayed treatment, missed the best treatment period and lifelong regret.


