
What changes in chronic renal failure in each period is

What changes in chronic renal failure in each period is?

What changes in chronic renal failure in each period is? We know that chronic renal failure is not an independent disease, but a variety of terminal kidney disease worsening outcome, and therefore understand the various stages of chronic renal failure, what has changed for the prevention of chronic renal failure patients It is also necessary. In addition, chronic renal failure symptoms many forms, which have a relatively long duration of renal failure have some relevance. The severity of the symptoms of chronic renal failure is directly related to the therapeutic effect of renal disease. Therefore, for renal failure patients, there must be mastered What are the symptoms of chronic renal failure, when the body when these symptoms can be timely medical treatment, worsening the maximum limit of the control of the disease, in order to prevent chronic renal failure entering uremia. In different stages of chronic renal failure, patients will exhibit different clinical symptoms. Specific instructions from the following aspects:

First, patients with chronic renal failure, renal failure, there is no early symptoms, abnormal renal function only through laboratory tests found.

Second, check with mild to moderate chronic renal failure patients with chronic renal failure, blood urea nitrogen indicators of high, renal failure patients may have mild symptoms. At this stage, for renal failure patients, since the night as the kidneys can not absorb moisture from the urine is concentrated as it is normal and therefore the patient may need to urinate several times during the night, affect nighttime sleep. This is the urinary renal failure patients in the clinical, nocturia symptoms. Meanwhile, many patients with chronic renal failure associated with hypertension, edema symptoms, because their kidneys renal failure patients can not be discharged excess salt and water. High blood pressure can also lead to chronic renal failure patients with stroke and heart failure and other symptoms.

Third, chronic renal failure, end-stage chronic renal failure patients can not effectively control the disease, with the course of persistent, toxic substances in the blood of patients with kidney failure is increasing, so that the patient appeared frail, fatigue and other symptoms unresponsive. With the gradual increase in toxic substances, the patient may experience muscle and neurological symptoms, including muscle twitching, muscle weakness and spasms. In this case, the end of the patient's limbs, kidney failure will appear needle-like pain, and even some parts of the body may lose any feeling. Meanwhile, if high blood pressure or kidney failure in patients with toxic substances in the blood caused by abnormal brain dysfunction will lead to epilepsy.

Resulting in renal failure patients body muscles, the nervous system in the body of excess accumulation of toxic substances at the same time, increasing the toxic substances can affect the patient's digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), and bad breath and other symptoms . These symptoms will further lead to chronic renal failure patients suffering from malnutrition and weight loss and other signs. Stage renal failure (uremia) patients often occur gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding. Advanced chronic patients, symptoms of kidney failure may also occur in the skin system. Most patients with renal failure may become brown skin; when the renal failure patient is discharged with the sweat to form crystalline urea, patients will have skin itching symptoms.

Thus, the early stages of chronic renal failure, patients with no obvious symptoms to warn patients of their degree of kidney damage, kidney patients not cause enough attention. Part of high creatinine values ​​in kidney patients already within range of renal failure, felt nothing unusual performance, in fact, kidney being carried out step by step, injury, and gradually move towards uremia. Therefore, the patient must be timely examination of the hospital, do not delay treatment of the disease, the kidney injury in time to stop.


