
Stage renal failure (cell therapy) symptoms

What are the symptoms of advanced renal failure is? Kidney function if not properly managed, will be accompanied by the development of advanced renal failure, which is usually what people say uremia, but at this point sharp pressure patients do not be too large, otherwise it will increase the development of the disease, advanced kidney failure in clinical practice will be mainly in the following aspects of performance:

(1) of the hematopoietic system symptoms: chronic renal failure patients have varying severity of anemia, caused by poor long-term nutrition, erythropoietin reduce hemolysis and renal failure due to many patients with bleeding tendency, symptoms of subcutaneous bleeding, stasis. plaque, gingival bleeding, epistaxis, severe gastrointestinal bleeding may erupt and death. In addition, there are white blood cells it can be very, due to "uremic toxins" to do with, so that the formation and function of white blood cells are obstacles, WBC whereabouts (including mainly to decreased production of lymphocytes), neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and the ability to kill bacteria also drop dead dwarf.

(2) digestive symptoms: digestive symptoms are the earliest and one of the most common symptoms, mainly anorexia, indigestion, severe cases may have glossitis, mouth fall may have vomiting, if peptic ulcer involving the vascular namely blood.

(3) respiratory symptoms: respiratory system consistent sample, generally when there is acidosis appears breathing hard, but also by the emergence of uremia bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy and other symptoms.

(4) the cardiovascular system symptoms: common are hypertension, myocarditis and pericarditis uremic, various arrhythmias and heart failure.

(5) neuropsychiatric symptoms: central repercussions dull symptoms, depression, irritability, agitation, convulsions, lethargy and coma symptoms of peripheral symptoms of peripheral nerve degeneration diseases, skin allergies, burning, tired limbs forces and activities. obstruction and so on.

(6) Skin symptoms: Symptoms of skin can be pale, dull, itching and "urea cream."

(7) The skeletal system symptoms: Because calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorder, may show osteoporosis, osteomalacia or osteitis and appear bitterly pseudo-fracture

Patient treatment at this time do not give up, we must adhere to treatment, and be sure to arrange three meals a day diet program requires that patients do not have too much pressure, as science continues to evolve, the successful introduction of cell transplantation therapy, We have made many kidney failure patients benefit a lot, a lot of quality of life in patients with renal failure has increased, and prolong their lives, so the patient to early treatment using cell transplantation.


