
Show symptoms of acute renal failure

Show symptoms of acute renal failure! Show symptoms of acute renal failure! Renal failure is the development of a variety of chronic kidney disease caused by renal section late or total loss of a pathological state. Acute renal failure at different times have different performance symptoms, mainly as follows.

First stage: oliguria symptoms. During this period, the patient's decreased urine output, will cause a variety of symptoms. Mainly hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis water intoxication and acute symptoms of uremia. Among them, hyperkalemia and water intoxication as the main cause of death.

Second stage: polyuria symptoms. Since the renal tubular epithelial cells regeneration, resulting in the patient's urine output increased, so that potassium, sodium decreased, sustained more urine of patients can die of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance

The third stage: recovery. During this period the patient's urine gradually returned to normal, creatinine, and blood electrolyte levels were normal, but normal renal tubular function and structure will take three to six months. Failed to restore those to chronic renal failure. Nonoliguric although a lot of urine, but blood creatinine increased day by day and symptoms of poisoning, kidney damage due to light, so the prognosis is good.

Different stages, showing symptoms will be different. When patients with these symptoms, be sure to tell the doctor promptly, so as not to delay treatment.


