
Nephrotic syndrome, acute renal failure patients?

Nephrotic syndrome, acute renal failure patients?

Nephrotic syndrome patients, such as not properly standardized treatment, the disease could easily lead to long-term repeated acute renal failure. Nephrotic syndrome may occur in the course of progressive reduction of the amount of urine, renal function deterioration of the situation, which is likely to be complicated by acute renal failure. Nephrotic syndrome is more common in patients with acute renal failure in the following cases:

1, acute renal failure prerenal

Patients may present a serious shortage of low blood volume, usually a sudden onset nephrotic syndrome, severe hypoalbuminemia and excessive use of force related diuretics.

Clinical manifestations of oliguria, urinary sodium reduction with hypovolemia performance. Such acute oliguric renal failure due to renal factors caused before, reversible, and you should at the same time infusion of plasma or albumin expansion of drug treatment, adding micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy blocking renal fibrosis, repair the loss inherent basic treatment cells.

2, idiopathic acute renal failure

Often in the weeks after the onset nephrotic syndrome occurs without any inducement sudden oliguria, anuria, urinary sodium excretion increased, the sharp deterioration of renal function. Often requiring dialysis treatment, and more able to relieve, slow recovery takes several weeks. Mostly occurs in adults. Pathological changes showed diffuse interstitial edema single, tubular epithelial cell degeneration, necrosis, with regeneration. Minor glomerular lesions. In elderly patients is often accompanied by small artery hyalinization. Idiopathic acute renal failure mechanism may be due to: (1) glomerular visceral epithelial cell function disorders resulting punish all wells oil almost completely closed, so that the filtration area is greatly reduced. (2) cause tubular proteinuria punish form, blocking the distal tubule lumen or due to interstitial edema caused by renal tubular outer oppression luminal occlusion, resulting in a nephron obstructive nephropathy.

3, nephrotic syndrome associated with acute renal failure

Often it occurs in patients with renal structural damage (such as focal glomerulosclerosis), also seen in the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced nephrotic syndrome, or associated to drugs (antibiotics, diuretics, etc.) allergy-induced acute interstitial nephritis, or due to acute bilateral main renal vein thrombosis caused.


