
How to prevent the occurrence of renal failure?

Chronic kidney disease of various causes, often irreversible progressive renal damage, until the development of end-stage renal failure. Therefore early chronic renal failure prevention of very important, the so-called early prevention, also known as the "primary prevention" is refers to before the chronic renal failure of related factors for therapeutic intervention, including the following aspects:
(1) active treatment of the original disease on a variety of acute, chronic glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis or may involve the kidney disease (such as hypertension, diabetes) active treatment to prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure.
(2) to avoid or eliminate some application of risk factors of renal toxic drugs, serious infection, dehydration, urinary tract obstruction (such as stones, benign prostatic hypertrophy), trauma etc. factors, often can aggravate the original kidney diseases, renal function deterioration, prompting renal failure. In fact, regular, high quality follow-up can reduce or avoid these risk factors, or early detection and to be corrected.
(3) a reasonable diet, low protein, low phosphorus and low fat diet, the protective effect of renal function in chronic kidney disease has been confirmed in laboratory and clinical practice. At present, in order to prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure, blood muscle drunk in 159.1 micro mol / l should limit protein intake.
(4) the application of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors can not only control systemic hypertension, but also correct the glomerular perfusion and high filtration, which can delay the occurrence of renal failure. The clinical commonly used drugs for Kato Pury, Lotensin and lisinopril etc.


