
What takes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect after dialysis

Today, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is becoming more and more popular among patients with kidney disease worldwide. Some people may ask, "This therapy is effective after dialysis?" In this report, we will find the answer to this question. for personalized suggestions, you can talk to our doctor online for free help!

Do you think Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect after dialysis, the answer is "YES", as long as the patient can still urinate, which means there is still blood flow to the kidneys. In this case, the drug can reach the kidneys and repair work in kidney failure.

In fact, progression of renal disease is a renal fibrosis process. To improve kidney dialysis patient function, you must inhibit the inflammatory response in the kidneys, promote blood and oxygen supply and repair of renal inherent cells.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can take effect by the steps as follows:

1. Clean the blood and get rid of all the toxic pathogens. Dialysis can only remove small molecular toxins like creatinine, urea and uric acid. Therefore, to eliminate the integral techniques blood purification medium and large molecular toxins, and Chinese herb medicine are needed.

2. dilates blood vessels and promoting microcirculation. There is enough supply of blood and oxygen to the damaged kidneys. Process stopped renal fibrosis and renal function is not reduced further.

3. Regular entire immune system and supplement the blood and Qi in order to revive the self-renewal of damaged kidney cells and promote kidney function.


