
Micro-medicine in China Osmotropia Protinuria on hold

PKD patients develop no obvious symptoms until kidney cysts are big enough to press and replace normal kidney tissues.

Proteinuria is a symptom of which is PKD.Puesto kidney tubules are damaged first PKD, ie the ability to re-absorption of protein is damaged, therefore, 24h quantitative protein is often small (1-2g / d ) and no patients developed severe proteinuria (greater than 3.5g / d) However, with disease progression, there will be more and more proteins are leaked urine when glomeruli are damaged.

Since proteinuria itself is an independent factor that can worsen kidney damage so early and effective treatment should be sought.

Hormones, immunosuppressive and antihypertensive drugs are drugs to reduce proteinuria convention, but long-term intake of these drugs will damage the kidneys and body, therefore, are not the best option.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and effective treatment for proteinuria and renal disease poliquística.Dado can not treat proteinuria but can also treat renal cysts, it is more effective and efficient long plazo.Es an external application and causes side effects or harm to patients, as long as patient's skin is not allergic to Chinese medicine.

Reducing proteinuria by reducing high blood pressure

Active ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicine have the functions of removing blood stasis, dilating blood vessels and promote blood circulation to relieve states of high pressure, high filtration, high perfusion in the walls can soften riñones.También of blood vessels and help blood pressure alta.Ha also it has been shown to control high blood pressure can significantly reduce protein in urine, slow disease progression and protect residual renal function.

Reducing proteinuria by repairing damaged kidney tissues

We know that the main cause of proteinuria is damaged glomerular filtration membrane tubules renales.Por one hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine can help cleanse the kidneys and provide an environment favorable.Por other hand, can provide nourishment needed to repair damaged kidney tissues and regenerate new tissues renal.Cuando operating the filtration membrane is repaired, proteins can not escape.

Treatment of polycystic kidney disease by shrinking renal cysts and renal function improved

With the help of osmosis machine, active ingredients in drugs can penetrate the kidneys through the renal piel.Quistes will be gradually shrunk even more cysts will be bloqueados.Un is prevented further deterioration and improve renal function gradualmente.Es why we say that the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and effective treatment.

As a new treatment option for various kidney diseases, it has been shown that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has particularly good effects in treatment of polycystic kidney disease.


