
How to treat high BUN with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

"I am a cancer survivor was treated with radiation medicine and two years ago my level protein BUN and creatinine is 28 7.5 soon have to enter any idea why my muffin is so high to have low blood pressure repente.No more my life without diabetes might have the autoimmune disease lupus poss ".Contact Doctor online for details quickly and direct for free.

There advice of our doctor in the following:

You're with the disease history as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or infection? At this stage early treatment may still reverse his kidney problem.

What is your level of creatinine in today? There are protein or blood in the urine? Could you send the latest reports, such as blood tests, urinalysis and renal function tests that I submit these details in our group most authoritative experts for suggestions?

We often use traditional Chinese herbal medicine to repair damaged kidney and we have many effective therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is just one of our many traditional Chinese medicine therapies eficaces.Te tell you more about our specialized treatment later, when I met more about your current renal disease.


