
High levels of creatinine: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new way to lower creatinine levels and functions on the basis of Chinese herbs that have been successfully used to treat various diseases refractory clínica.Creatinina is a common index that can be measured to determine if patients need to start dialysis or no.Por Therefore, when creatinine level is lowered effectively osmotherapy Micro-Chinese Medicine, dialysis can be avoided, at least delayed to some extent.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application of Chinese herbs that are ground into powder before use and this may help increase the effects of tratamiento.En damaged one kidney, there are healthy kidney cells, injured and dead muertas.Por these kidney cells we can not bring them back to life, this is the reason that chronic kidney disease can not be cured completamente.Pero Fortunately, these injuries can repair kidney cells by increasing their capacity for self-curativo.Sabemos that when our finger is injured, You can recover by itself, and this is because our cells are capable of self-curativo.En reality, our kidney cells also have the ability to self-repair, but when the damage is outside their ability to self-repair, gradualmente.Por thus become necrotic, increased capacity for self-healing renal cell will help to repair damage renales.Micro-Chinese Medicine to expand blood vessels function, anti inflammation, anti-clotting and degrade extracellular matrix osmotherapy there, all of which can help injured kidney cells are recuperen.Además, Chinese medicines can also provide renal cell nutrition, to some extent it contributes to the recovery of kidney damage also.

Creatinine is a waste produced by our body and usually discharged by our riñones.Cuando kidney cells are damaged, kidney function decreases, and consequently, creatinine builds up in the sangre.Alto creatinine level is the result of decreased renal function , so it improved kidney condition will help to lower level creatinina.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is no function to repair damaged kidney cells are recovered as kidney cells, kidney function is improved and also high creatinine level is lowered.

Micro-Chinese Medicine takes Chinese herbs as the main material, so compared with hormone and immunosuppressive agents, it is safer and natural.Hasta has now been successfully adopted to treat patients over 50 countries and has been widely accepted by various countries because of its obvious effects tratamiento.Por Therefore, if you are a patient with renal disease and want to lower creatinine level, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an option for you.


