
The treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The traditional Chinese medicine for its great variety of active ingredients and, biological activity and long-term toxicity and other characteristics, put a unique advantage in the field internacional.El world moves, Chinese medicine to develop, "Times" is the trend, innovation is the only manera.Funcionarios of the World Health Organization stressed that in the 21st century to solve the difficult problems of human disease, in the hope of combining traditional Chinese medicine with modern medicine.

1.Terapia Introduction

Penetration therapy Micro-Chinese Medicine is the largest specialist hospital in kidneys of the nation in Shijiazhuang Hospital Renal Disease in 20 years a large number of clinical practice in the long term, summed up as a treatment for kidney disease innovative therapies proven chronic, Micro China-medicine Osmotherapy patent Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, other hospitals elsewhere are not.

Micro-penetration therapy Chinese medicine in the treatment of many years of practice, summarized an innovative therapy, its core technology is an effective prescription treatment for ultra-fine grinding the purpose renal disease is the active ingredient in the drug release bien.Y and then mixing with a sharp and effective permeation device via topically effective drug penetration through the kidneys and the site of injury, for effective treatment of disease therapy renal.sta innovative, eliminating the problem of side effects of oral drugs but also for effective drug ingredients in the effects of injury. This innovative therapy, clinically proven effective and conveniente.Su therapeutic mechanism is through vasodilatory anti-inflammatory anticoagulant blood viscosity ,,, biodegradable substances to achieve blocking the progression of renal fibrosis fibrosis, repair of damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuild the appropriate structure of the kidney. It is known as: lock + fix + rebuild.

The meaning of "Micro"

① Micro-meaning refers to the processing method of traditional Chinese medicine is overwhelming hirviendo.A and then we make a new processing method, fine dust, more easily absorbed, called micro-based solid, in essence, it is more granular. Of course, the specific processing method for protecting hospital is the target of any detailed explanation.

② meaning penetration is, our hospital in the formation of the Court of treatments effective use of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment tópico.Pero over the years, because there is always a difficult topical medication to overcome the problem that the drugs are effective and will enter the body, was less than ideal, so people suspected that the real effect of this terapia.Para this end, the institute in the design of topical drug formulations, the use of a unique method of drug penetration thereby ensuring a single topical medication treatment. In order to highlight the peculiarity of this method it is introduced in therapy that emphasizes the word "penetration".

③ In therapies Micro-Chinese Medicine designed to penetrate fully absorb foreign advanced technology of Western medicine, so the theory of Chinese medicine treatment has been very good interpretation. Therefore, the diagnosis of kidney disease scientific method became the basis for analysis of cell damage cellular dysfunction theory situación.La Original kidney damage intrinsic renal lesions become cell function today theory Diagnostic daños.Sobre this basis, the treatment of kidney disease, renal intrinsic cells become slow and continuing damage intrinsic function renales.Pero repair cells to repair the inherent renal cells, it is necessary to solve a problem is to clean Fully cause kidney damage inherent cellular damage guilty - intrinsic renal cells, extracellular matrix.


