
How much is the normal serum creatinine

What is creatinine?
What is creatinine? Serum creatinine, generally considered to be endogenous serum creatinine, it is human muscle creatine product of metabolism. In muscle, creatine creatinine main form slowly through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction, and then released into the bloodstream, with urinary excretion. Therefore, the total amount of body muscle is closely related to serum creatinine, less susceptible to diet shadow. Creatinine is a small molecule substances, through the renal glomerular filtration, rarely absorbed in the tubules, creatinine body produces daily, almost all with the urine, urine is generally not affected. Clinically serum creatinine is one of the main methods commonly used to understand kidney function.
Normal serum creatinine is how much?
Normal serum creatinine measure each hospital is not the same, normal serum creatinine kidney hospital standards: 44-133umol / L, when the serum creatinine exceeds 133umol / L means that kidney damage occurs, has been developed to renal insufficiency, renal failure .
Outside the normal range of serum creatinine how is it normal?
High serum creatinine beyond the normal range, is not kidney disease? First look at what is creatinine? Serum creatinine, generally considered to be endogenous serum creatinine, is human muscle creatine product of metabolism. In muscle, creatine creatinine main form slowly through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction, and then released into the bloodstream, with urinary excretion. Therefore, the total amount of body muscle is closely related to serum creatinine, less susceptible to diet shadow. Creatinine is a small molecule substances, through the renal glomerular filtration, rarely absorbed in the tubules, creatinine body produces daily, almost all with the urine, urine is generally not affected. Clinically serum creatinine is one of the main methods commonly used to understand kidney function.
Serum creatinine how to do?

On treatment for elevated serum creatinine, previous traditional treatment only drop of serum creatinine, not to repair the basement membrane, so serum creatinine is not declining, even fall, it is temporary. Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy can clear cause damage glomerular basement membrane immune complexes and diseased tissue, while repairing the glomerular basement membrane. As long as the basement membrane repair damaged, altered renal structure, expanding the area of ​​glomerular filtration, serum creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process, then it must prevent a cold, diet and mood, not tired , control of blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, to protect renal function. Just take note of these, serum creatinine must come down. Not blindly go to the level of serum creatinine serum creatinine values ​​but rather from the source of high serum creatinine, glomerular basement membrane damage elevated serum creatinine angle solve this situation, the only way to achieve the purpose of treating high blood creatinine .


