
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Drug therapy

To re-strengthening of traditional Chinese medicine, medical sector counterparts of China made unremitting efforts, achieved impressive results.

The early nineties of last century, was born in medicine as the main body, the use of the drug ions through the DC skin, mucous membranes or wounds on the body of therapeutic drugs in the terapia.Se the drug solution, a part of medicinal dissociate into ions, and under the action of current directional movement, anionic and cationic directa.Si cathode pad containing the drug ions with negative charge or liner comprising an anode with positively charged drug ions will move in the direction toward the human body in cuerpo.Debido it does not require oral medication to prevent gastrointestinal irritation, and therefore favored by the majority of this base pacientes.Sobre The birth of acupoint iontophoresis, also known as iontophoresis drug laws acupuncture points. Is the use of drug iontophoresis device through the DC function will be to the acupuncture points of the body iontophoresis drug to achieve a method terapéuticos.Se end uses DC power supply, under the action of the field electrical, using first, "sex repulsion, opposites attract" the drug ions through the skin in drug puntos.Cuando part is imported ion lost its original charge in atoms or molecules, and the nature of the effects of drug and chemical originals of certain tissues in vivo.Ley not cause damage to the skin, without pain, gastrointestinal irritation caused by the side effects of medication, is an easy safely for patients to accept.


Only corticosteroids, antibiotics and immunosuppressive treatment after a period of disease in uremia, dialysis and transplantation are the conventional method of treating renal disease, although there are certain advantages in efficiency, but its effects side, and gives patients and their families a tremendous ideological pressure and economic pressure, the average bear family.

In recent years, due to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, has been developed largely in the treatment of kidney disease, standards world advanced technology, derived from a micro-penetration treatment TCM , kidney disease therapeutic effect  to create a recovery areas of kidney disease, renal function improved and extended the lives of patients with advanced kidney disease played a role importante.Para recovery of renal disease, renal function change Micro-Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease is the use of the osmotic theory of Chinese medicine for each etiology of renal disease, the pathogenesis analyze, summarize, accurate medication dialectic, and on this basis, the application of advanced micro-technology to improve the rate of absorption of the active ingredients of drugs, and, most importantly, improve efficiency, rapid improvement of symptoms. Improve and extend the lives of patients with advanced renal disease played an important role.


