
Nephrotic syndrome patients with acute renal failure?

Nephrotic syndrome patients with acute renal failure?
Patients with nephrotic syndrome, if not properly regulate the treatment, the condition of long-term recurrent acute and easy to cause kidney failure. Patients with nephrotic syndrome may be associated with acute renal failure in the course of the disease, which may be associated with a progressive decrease in urine volume and a progressive deterioration of renal function. The occurrence of acute renal failure in patients with nephrotic syndrome is more common in the following:
1. Acute renal failure
Patients with severe low blood volume may be associated with an abrupt onset of nephrotic syndrome, severe low serum albumin, and excessive use of potent diuretic drugs.
Clinical manifestation is the manifestation of the deficiency of the urine, urine sodium and blood volume deficiency. The acute oliguric renal failure by prerenal factors induced, reversible. At that time, in the infusion of plasma and albumin expansion drug treatment at the same time, adding micro Chinese medicine osmotherapy blocking renal fibrosis, repair damaged cell intrinsic basic treatment.
2, idiopathic acute renal failure
A few weeks after the onset of nephrotic syndrome, there was no cause for the sudden onset of less urine, no urine, urinary sodium excretion, and a sharp deterioration in renal function. Dialysis treatment is often required, more than able to ease, slow recovery, about a few weeks. Occur more in adults. Renal pathology showed diffuse edema, pure renal tubular epithelial cell degeneration and necrosis, loss and regeneration. Glomerular lesions. Middle aged and elderly patients often accompanied by small artery transparency. The pathogenesis of idiopathic acute renal failure may be due to: (1) the glomerular visceral epithelial cell function severely severely severely punish the obstruction, so that all the holes oil is almost completely blocked, so that the filtration area is greatly reduced. (2) the severe punishment of proteinuria resulted in the formation of tubular, obstruction of the distal tubular lumen or occlusion of the lumen due to interstitial edema causing renal tubular obstruction.
3, nephrotic syndrome with acute renal failure
Often occurs in patients with glomerular structure damage (such as focal glomerulosclerosis), can also be found in the use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs induced nephropathy syndrome, or with drugs (antibiotics, diuretics, etc.) caused by allergic acute nephritis, or due to the formation of acute bilateral main renal vein thrombosis caused.


