
Got kidney failure to be able to be treated?

"Renal failure can cure it?" this question gradually into people's vision, due to the increasing social pressure, many people will have similar problems such as, the first answer is that renal failure is to cure, as long as the blocking renal fibrosis can get effective control.
Renal failure is the final stage of the progression of renal disease progression, it is the process of the continuous expansion of the scope of fibrosis. For the various causes of renal fibrosis in renal failure patients, whether it can reverse this problem, there are the following conditions can be revealed:
1 basic pathological changes such as lupus nephritis, vasculitis associated nephritis, crescent nephritis, etc.. These diseases lead to patients with renal failure is generally acute, mainly renal function changes, not causing glomerular functional changes, and chronic renal failure and renal units were not reversible damage is different. If we diagnose in time, treat appropriately, block the process of renal fibrosis, make the function of the renal function of the renal unit of the renal function of the kidney is not affected, the possibility of the recovery of the renal function of the patient is very big.
2 there are obstructive factors such as polycystic kidney patients with urinary tract stones, such as kidney. This kind of kidney disease caused by renal fibrosis is due to force the glomerular oppressed to harden, vascular compression, make blood vessel of glass standardization, this dual role, renal ischemia, hypoxia, and starts the process of renal fibrosis. If found in time and remove these factors, there is hope to restore renal function.
3 patients with complications such as severe infection, heart failure, severe hypertension, etc., can accelerate the process of renal fibrosis, so that the rapid deterioration of renal function.
4 in the body to promote the renal perfusion of the situation such as dehydration, blood loss, low blood pressure, shock, etc.. Severe diarrhea, vomiting, poor eating, a large number of pleural effusion and ascites formation, low serum albumin and so on may cause the kidney to be low perfusion, the urine quantity rapid reduction. Improve renal perfusion, renal function can be restored. The traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect in this respect. It can improve the microcirculation disturbance by improving the blood flow of the whole body, and block the purpose of the kidney to continue to be damaged.
5. Drug factors lead to drug allergic reaction to the body, easily lead to nephrotoxic drugs (antibiotics, antineoplastic drugs, antipyretic analgesics, anesthetics, contrast agent etc.) are easy to cause renal tubular cells, necrosis or tubular interstitial inflammatory reaction of poisoning, renal function rapidly diminished. In time to find and stop using these drugs, to do the corresponding symptomatic treatment, renal function can get a lot of recovery.
6 the unit of renal function damage is not completely dead, and there is a certain repair value of the disabled.
The uremia patient often was sentenced to life in dialysis or a kidney transplant. In fact, not all of this. Although the end stage renal failure, uremia, the degree of renal fibrosis has reached more than 90%, and has formed a large number of scar tissue. But if patients with uremia and part of the urine volume, that is not all the function cells had necrosis. At this time, there are still part of damaged cell function is still hard work, so after active treatment, cells in this part of the function can get timely and effective reversal, can be in a certain extent recovery of kidney function.
Therefore, to achieve a good therapeutic effect of renal failure, it is required that patients should be treated as early as possible to effectively control the complications of renal failure. If you have other questions, you can contact our experts.


