
Respiratory manifestations of chronic renal failure

The progression of renal failure can be divided into acute and chronic, acute renal failure quickly, usually due to insufficient renal blood supply (such as trauma or burn), renal obstruction due to some factors cause dysfunction or injury by poison, causing Acute renal failure produce.

Chronic renal failure uremia respiratory system, due to metabolic acidosis, often caused by lung hyperventilation, big and deep breathing or tidal breathing. Pulmonary edema is very common, generally there are two types: one is secondary to congestive heart failure; the other due to the increased permeability of the pulmonary microcirculation, tiny blood vessels in the lungs between the solute and liquid and that there is no exchange between interstitial balance, water filtration into the interstitial lung mass in excess of the amount of its results cause water retention in the lungs.

The former type, dialysis treatment have a good effect, pulmonary edema can disappear in a short time, the effect of the latter than the former dialysis. Chronic renal failure, chest X-ray visible hilar sides appear symmetrical butterfly-shaped shadow, called uremia lungs. 15% to 20% of patients with chronic renal failure, pleurisy, or bloody fluid was leaking, unilateral or bilateral may occur, which form the mechanism is not yet clear, it may be related to uremia "toxic" material damage as well as inflammation of membrane transporter occurrence. Hemodialysis patients, the larger the amount of heparin, can increase the generation of bloody pleural effusion. Niaowei exhaled gases, susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia.


