
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and effectiveness Principle

Today to explain in detail the only treatments to our hospital: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy skin area is called the topical medicine method penetración.La penetration target in the body style, the blood circulation Chinese medicine, expelling wind kidneys, the remaining three heroes detoxification eliminate rot grow nueva.Ampliación the reach of modern physiological and improve kidney and renal peripheral microcirculation, increase effective renal perfusion, renal impairment Improve ischemia, hypoxia, increase blood circulation, increase local metabolism, improve renal pathology renal vessels medicine, state , accelerate repair of damaged cells in renal.Reducir residual damage nephrons, preventing changes in the components of the extracellular matrix, to slow down and block the renal fibrosis process, the slow progress in Stage Renal Disease terminal and improve kidney function.

TCM vessels enter the body through the kidneys, dilation of blood vessels throughout the body, improve body microcirculation, promote blood circulation, improve the poor state of the body caused by kidney disease, relieve intoxicación.Al symptoms while also improves circulation of the digestive system, alleviate gastrointestinal mucosal edema due to kidney disease caused, increasing appetite, increase digestion and absorption, increased health thereby paciente.De more and better disease resistance.

Modern medical drugs with low frequency and infrared instrument to accelerate penetration and using líquido.Absorción drug through the skin directly into the peripheral blood and kidneys, gastrointestinal Exclusion adverse stimulus, eliminating the digestive process herbs cambio.Hacer weaken and full use of the effectiveness.


