
Had kidney failure can be cured?

Renal failure is the deterioration of the final stages of the disease progression of kidney disease, it is expanding the scope of nephrotic fibrosis process. For the various causes of renal failure in patients with renal fibrosis manifestations, whether you can reverse the problem, there may appear the following conditions:

1. A basic disease activity such as lupus nephritis, vasculitis associated glomerulonephritis, crescentic nephritis. The cause of disease activity in patients with acute renal failure is generally, primarily renal function, did not cause changes in glomerular function, and chronic renal failure, renal units were differentiated irreversible damage. If we timely diagnosis, appropriate treatment, blocking the process of renal fibrosis, glomerular fibrosis and other functions from the impact of renal units, the possibility of recovery of renal function is great.

2. The presence of obstructive factors such as polycystic kidney disease patients with urinary stones, hydronephrosis and so on. This type of kidney disease caused by renal glomerular fibrosis is due to an external force of oppression, cured, pressure vessels, so that blood vessels vitrified standardization, in this dual role, so that renal ischemia, hypoxia, start kidneys fiber of the process. Such as to detect and get rid of these factors, there is hope for recovery of renal function.

3. There are complications exist, such as patients with severe infections, heart failure, severe hypertension, etc., can accelerate the process of renal fibrosis, renal function deteriorated rapidly.

4. present in the body cause renal hypoperfusion such as dehydration, blood loss, low blood pressure, shock. Severe diarrhea, vomiting, eating poorly, forming a large number of pleural and peritoneal effusions, hypoalbuminemia so may cause renal hypoperfusion, rapid reduction in urine output. Improve renal perfusion, renal function more recoverable. Gene-based medicine has a good role in this regard, it is by improving perfusion body as to improve microcirculation, blocking kidney damage continues purposes.

5. Drug factors cause the body allergic drugs easily lead to renal toxicity of drugs (antibiotics, anticancer drugs, antipyretic analgesics, anesthetics, contrast, etc.) are easy to cause renal tubular cell toxicity, necrosis or tubulointerstitial inflammatory reaction, the rapid decline in renal function. To detect and stop using these medications, do the appropriate symptomatic treatment, renal function and more able to get a large degree of recovery.

6. kidney function unit is not completely necrotic cell damage, there is a certain value of disability restoration of renal units, it can be reversed.

The uremia patients often sentenced to lifelong dialysis or a kidney transplant. In fact, it is not all true. Although end-stage renal failure, uremia, renal fibrosis degree has reached more than 90%, and has formed a lot of scar tissue. But if there are some patients with uremia urine, it shows that not all of the functional cells have necrosis, then there is a part of the function of damaged cells is still hard work, so after the effective active treatment, this part of the function of cells can timely and effective reversal of renal function can be restored within a certain extent.

Therefore, to achieve good renal failure treatment, patients need early treatment of complications of renal failure while effective control. If you have additional questions, you can contact our specialists.


