
The treatment of chronic renal failure, not anti-choice WM

Chronic renal failure is defined as the basis of a variety of chronic kidney disease, the slow onset of renal dysfunction. Treatment may take a long time. Currently, chronic renal failure patients use more Chinese and Western medicine, in conjunction with dialysis therapy.

Strengthen basic care

Chinese medicine believes that patients with chronic kidney deficiency wind, relying on hot relying poison cause patient skin dry, itchy, it should strengthen skin care to prevent infection. Available Chinese medicine decoction, until the liquid temperature is not hot outside wash the skin once a day or every other day. And guide patients frequently changes underwear, choice of materials to cotton is better. While the decline in chronic renal failure patients stomach, dampness in the resistance, so that the patient mouth odor, tongue thick and greasy. Loss of appetite or decrease, nausea and vomiting, therefore oral care of patients with chronic renal failure is also very important and should guide the patient mouthwash before and after meals, brush your teeth before going to bed to wake up. Keep urine clear, to promote "cloud overcast the next Khieu", but also can reduce the population of urine.

Medication guide

Chinese medicine made from natural plants, fewer side effects. And patients with chronic renal failure in the selection of medicine, should avoid nephrotoxic drugs, such as gentamicin, cephalosporins. Also note that medication contraindications, chronic renal failure patients taking ginseng in qi drug should not eat carrots, green beans and other cold foods, so as not to reduce the warming effect of the drug. While guiding the patient during treatment, not arbitrarily dressing, reduction, or discontinuation of premature withdrawal after no follow-up observation, so as not to aggravate the condition.

Diet Care

According to "salty kidney injury," "light Shenshi" principle, chronic renal failure patients should be low-salt diet, severe hypertension, edema. Normal body cavity only a small amount of liquid, if a body cavity fluid increases the patient should be strictly controlled salt intake, salt-free diet. Chronic renal failure patients can staple food rice, flour-based, limiting protein intake, in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, the choice of high-quality protein to animal-based protein, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, fasting soybeans, peanuts and its soy and other vegetable protein-containing foods. Patient dialysis treatment may be appropriate to increase the intake of protein, blood urea nitrogen levels in chronic renal failure patients due to the effects of vitamin metabolism, the diet should pay attention to vitamin A, B, C. When little or no urine, the limit mustard, mushrooms, bananas, potatoes and other foods high in potassium, so as not to cause hyperkalemia.

Living guide

Late chronic renal failure, patients with renal anemia will appear, the patient lassitude, waist and knees, so should stay in bed, the ward to regular ventilation, to ensure clean air, sunny. Bed rest is not indefinite, if the patient decreased edema, hypertension loss, anemia improve patient can appropriate activities. Activity should be less to more, the first activity in bed after bed activities. Chinese medicine believes that "kidney essence" Housing workers injured kidney, exhausts its essence. Thus, patients with chronic renal failure should be a modest reduction in sexual intercourse, which raised interest rates for the kidney, for a speedy recovery is very important. Depending on the dangerous road to sex is not desirable and should be according to the disease, it is best to accept the doctor's advice, while the sex life should pay attention to hygiene to prevent infection aggravate kidney damage.

Emotional Care

Chinese medicine believes impassioned disease, can directly affect their respective organs, so that air-reverse chaos, blood disorders, cause disease or illness. Chronic renal failure patients generally sicker, longer course, causing the patient prone to depression and pessimism. In this case the patient should be actively enlighten, educate patients correctly treat their disease, to encourage patients to maintain a positive attitude. Thus, the positive psychological pleasant enhance the body's resistance to disease may play a "vital qi, evil can not do" role.


