
Chronic renal failure can be much longer

Kidney failure can be much longer? From Kidney pathology modern look, if renal failure patient's condition has yet to uremia, glomerular filtration rate of less than 20%, generally have the opportunity to reverse the disease. The most important depends on the degree of the disease, whether there urine, severity of complications, whether kidney fibrosis and many other reasons.

If there is a certain amount of urine, a general description of the function of the kidney there is a certain, if protect the remaining kidney function, appropriate treatment and then restore some of nephron function, Chinese medicine treatment is possible to get rid of dialysis, sick long healthy life.

If the patient is in the early stage of renal failure, elevated creatinine is not very high, it is entirely possible long-term survival. Simple common words, this period if treated properly, the renal function to return to normal pull it might pull; if not treated properly, the disease pushed forward push on to uremia, the more difficult. Treatment may be with each person's body is different concerned, but the key depends on what kind of treatment you perform, the adequacy of treatment, treatment is timely. Also pay attention to maintenance, do not catch cold and angry, eating light. The most important thing is to establish the confidence to overcome the chronic renal failure, which may slow the progression of the disease, to speed up the recovery of the disease, especially in the treatment process, to maintain a good state is more important.

If the patient's condition or conduct of a downward trend, and gradually into late stage kidney failure. At this point if they can take timely and effective treatment, while the treatment of clinical symptoms, can go as far as possible to repair the damage on renal function, the patient can also be in a stable condition under control, to achieve long-term stability, to enhance quality of life.

Here, to remind you, if there are conditions for conservative treatment, must be early treatment, which can effectively prolong life, even long-term sick to healthy living.

If you improve the quality of life of patients with renal failure, pay attention to maintenance, do not catch cold and angry, diet should be light, from the spiritual, life good control of the disease. The most important thing is to establish the confidence to overcome uremia, which may slow the progression of the disease, accelerate the recovery of the disease, especially in the treatment process, maintain a good attitude is more important. Therefore, renal failure patients had chronic renal failure do not always worry about the question still long to live. The key is to have optimism and confidence to overcome the disease.


