
Natural treatment for glomerulonephritis --- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

A natural treatment for glomerulonephritis during treatment means that there is little or no side effects. Of course, the performance should be a point of patient care. Here's a natural treatment --- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

to you, we hope this treatment works for you.

After this treatment, you have to mesh the first glomerulonephritis. The characteristics of glomerulonephritis are inflammation and scarring of glomeruli. Inflammation and scarring cause the kidneys perden proper ability to filter waste and excess water from the blood and excreted through the urine. If you are a patient of glomerulonephritis, you can ask our online teacher to questions and doubts of his illness.

In fact, according to the good treatment, glomerulonephritis can have a good management and prevent kidney failure. However, in many cases avazan fibrosis stage to stage scar formation in a short time. Finally, patients need dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain life. Now, let's discuss the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can treat glomerulonephritis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new development of Chinese medicinal herbs that have been used in China for thousands years. Because drugs are natural, this treatment has no side-effects, this is the reason why this treatment is a natural treatment. This treatment is used on the skin, patients need to lie down in bed and accept this natural treatment. The device can help osmosis active materials of Chinese medicinal herbs taken directly to the kidneys and then play the following functions:

-Anti-Inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation

-to Extend blood vessel, promoting blood circulation which can relieve ischemia and kidney anoxic state.

-Provide ls nutrition damage the kidneys, renal function gradually repaired.

Patients foreigners call it natural treatment to Chinese massage, very comfortable. If you have other questions to this natural treatment, you can discuss with our online teacher.


The treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The traditional Chinese medicine for its great variety of active ingredients and, biological activity and long-term toxicity and other characteristics, put a unique advantage in the field internacional.El world moves, Chinese medicine to develop, "Times" is the trend, innovation is the only manera.Funcionarios of the World Health Organization stressed that in the 21st century to solve the difficult problems of human disease, in the hope of combining traditional Chinese medicine with modern medicine.

1.Terapia Introduction

Penetration therapy Micro-Chinese Medicine is the largest specialist hospital in kidneys of the nation in Shijiazhuang Hospital Renal Disease in 20 years a large number of clinical practice in the long term, summed up as a treatment for kidney disease innovative therapies proven chronic, Micro China-medicine Osmotherapy patent Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, other hospitals elsewhere are not.

Micro-penetration therapy Chinese medicine in the treatment of many years of practice, summarized an innovative therapy, its core technology is an effective prescription treatment for ultra-fine grinding the purpose renal disease is the active ingredient in the drug release bien.Y and then mixing with a sharp and effective permeation device via topically effective drug penetration through the kidneys and the site of injury, for effective treatment of disease therapy renal.sta innovative, eliminating the problem of side effects of oral drugs but also for effective drug ingredients in the effects of injury. This innovative therapy, clinically proven effective and conveniente.Su therapeutic mechanism is through vasodilatory anti-inflammatory anticoagulant blood viscosity ,,, biodegradable substances to achieve blocking the progression of renal fibrosis fibrosis, repair of damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuild the appropriate structure of the kidney. It is known as: lock + fix + rebuild.

The meaning of "Micro"

① Micro-meaning refers to the processing method of traditional Chinese medicine is overwhelming hirviendo.A and then we make a new processing method, fine dust, more easily absorbed, called micro-based solid, in essence, it is more granular. Of course, the specific processing method for protecting hospital is the target of any detailed explanation.

② meaning penetration is, our hospital in the formation of the Court of treatments effective use of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment tópico.Pero over the years, because there is always a difficult topical medication to overcome the problem that the drugs are effective and will enter the body, was less than ideal, so people suspected that the real effect of this terapia.Para this end, the institute in the design of topical drug formulations, the use of a unique method of drug penetration thereby ensuring a single topical medication treatment. In order to highlight the peculiarity of this method it is introduced in therapy that emphasizes the word "penetration".

③ In therapies Micro-Chinese Medicine designed to penetrate fully absorb foreign advanced technology of Western medicine, so the theory of Chinese medicine treatment has been very good interpretation. Therefore, the diagnosis of kidney disease scientific method became the basis for analysis of cell damage cellular dysfunction theory situación.La Original kidney damage intrinsic renal lesions become cell function today theory Diagnostic daños.Sobre this basis, the treatment of kidney disease, renal intrinsic cells become slow and continuing damage intrinsic function renales.Pero repair cells to repair the inherent renal cells, it is necessary to solve a problem is to clean Fully cause kidney damage inherent cellular damage guilty - intrinsic renal cells, extracellular matrix.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Drug therapy

To re-strengthening of traditional Chinese medicine, medical sector counterparts of China made unremitting efforts, achieved impressive results.

The early nineties of last century, was born in medicine as the main body, the use of the drug ions through the DC skin, mucous membranes or wounds on the body of therapeutic drugs in the terapia.Se the drug solution, a part of medicinal dissociate into ions, and under the action of current directional movement, anionic and cationic directa.Si cathode pad containing the drug ions with negative charge or liner comprising an anode with positively charged drug ions will move in the direction toward the human body in cuerpo.Debido it does not require oral medication to prevent gastrointestinal irritation, and therefore favored by the majority of this base pacientes.Sobre The birth of acupoint iontophoresis, also known as iontophoresis drug laws acupuncture points. Is the use of drug iontophoresis device through the DC function will be to the acupuncture points of the body iontophoresis drug to achieve a method terapéuticos.Se end uses DC power supply, under the action of the field electrical, using first, "sex repulsion, opposites attract" the drug ions through the skin in drug puntos.Cuando part is imported ion lost its original charge in atoms or molecules, and the nature of the effects of drug and chemical originals of certain tissues in vivo.Ley not cause damage to the skin, without pain, gastrointestinal irritation caused by the side effects of medication, is an easy safely for patients to accept.


Only corticosteroids, antibiotics and immunosuppressive treatment after a period of disease in uremia, dialysis and transplantation are the conventional method of treating renal disease, although there are certain advantages in efficiency, but its effects side, and gives patients and their families a tremendous ideological pressure and economic pressure, the average bear family.

In recent years, due to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, has been developed largely in the treatment of kidney disease, standards world advanced technology, derived from a micro-penetration treatment TCM , kidney disease therapeutic effect  to create a recovery areas of kidney disease, renal function improved and extended the lives of patients with advanced kidney disease played a role importante.Para recovery of renal disease, renal function change Micro-Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease is the use of the osmotic theory of Chinese medicine for each etiology of renal disease, the pathogenesis analyze, summarize, accurate medication dialectic, and on this basis, the application of advanced micro-technology to improve the rate of absorption of the active ingredients of drugs, and, most importantly, improve efficiency, rapid improvement of symptoms. Improve and extend the lives of patients with advanced renal disease played an important role.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for creatinine 2.3

If you are experiencing creatinine 2.3, in addition to the low protein diet and some Western medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can become your choice of treatment. Follow us to learn about this therapy and you are bound to be benefited.

What should you know about creatinine 2.3

First you should know that the level of creatinine obviously not increase up to 40-50% of kidney function is lost as our kidneys have very strong compensatory ability. So the application of high creatinine level is enough to arouse the attention of all patients.

What's more, he says creatinine 2.3 condition is already in stage 3 chronic kidney disease which means moderate reduction of renal function. In many countries, high levels of creatinine are treated with diet and Western medicines as carbon plate and Ketosteril. It is necessary but not sufficient to reduce the creatinine 2.3 from the root.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for creatinine 2.3

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy reduced creatinine 2.3 through making the kidneys work normally again, which is because it is intended to repair damage to the kidneys and the recovery of renal function. So Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is nowadays used in the clinic to help patients with kidney disease avoid kidney failure, dialysis and kidney transplantation.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new development of Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Two bags of processed drugs have been subjected to the lower back of patients. The experts choose suitable Chinese herbal medicine with function anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, the widening of blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promote DNA replication of damaged cells inherent and provide nutrition to damaged kidneys and then match minimize renal toxicity. The medicine is micronized into very small molecules to go directly to the kidneys. Through the above functions, repair kidney damage and kidney function can be gradually restored.


Micro-medicine in China Osmotropia Protinuria on hold

PKD patients develop no obvious symptoms until kidney cysts are big enough to press and replace normal kidney tissues.

Proteinuria is a symptom of which is PKD.Puesto kidney tubules are damaged first PKD, ie the ability to re-absorption of protein is damaged, therefore, 24h quantitative protein is often small (1-2g / d ) and no patients developed severe proteinuria (greater than 3.5g / d) However, with disease progression, there will be more and more proteins are leaked urine when glomeruli are damaged.

Since proteinuria itself is an independent factor that can worsen kidney damage so early and effective treatment should be sought.

Hormones, immunosuppressive and antihypertensive drugs are drugs to reduce proteinuria convention, but long-term intake of these drugs will damage the kidneys and body, therefore, are not the best option.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and effective treatment for proteinuria and renal disease poliquística.Dado can not treat proteinuria but can also treat renal cysts, it is more effective and efficient long plazo.Es an external application and causes side effects or harm to patients, as long as patient's skin is not allergic to Chinese medicine.

Reducing proteinuria by reducing high blood pressure

Active ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicine have the functions of removing blood stasis, dilating blood vessels and promote blood circulation to relieve states of high pressure, high filtration, high perfusion in the walls can soften riñones.También of blood vessels and help blood pressure alta.Ha also it has been shown to control high blood pressure can significantly reduce protein in urine, slow disease progression and protect residual renal function.

Reducing proteinuria by repairing damaged kidney tissues

We know that the main cause of proteinuria is damaged glomerular filtration membrane tubules renales.Por one hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine can help cleanse the kidneys and provide an environment favorable.Por other hand, can provide nourishment needed to repair damaged kidney tissues and regenerate new tissues renal.Cuando operating the filtration membrane is repaired, proteins can not escape.

Treatment of polycystic kidney disease by shrinking renal cysts and renal function improved

With the help of osmosis machine, active ingredients in drugs can penetrate the kidneys through the renal piel.Quistes will be gradually shrunk even more cysts will be bloqueados.Un is prevented further deterioration and improve renal function gradualmente.Es why we say that the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and effective treatment.

As a new treatment option for various kidney diseases, it has been shown that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has particularly good effects in treatment of polycystic kidney disease.


What takes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect after dialysis

Today, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is becoming more and more popular among patients with kidney disease worldwide. Some people may ask, "This therapy is effective after dialysis?" In this report, we will find the answer to this question. for personalized suggestions, you can talk to our doctor online for free help!

Do you think Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect after dialysis, the answer is "YES", as long as the patient can still urinate, which means there is still blood flow to the kidneys. In this case, the drug can reach the kidneys and repair work in kidney failure.

In fact, progression of renal disease is a renal fibrosis process. To improve kidney dialysis patient function, you must inhibit the inflammatory response in the kidneys, promote blood and oxygen supply and repair of renal inherent cells.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can take effect by the steps as follows:

1. Clean the blood and get rid of all the toxic pathogens. Dialysis can only remove small molecular toxins like creatinine, urea and uric acid. Therefore, to eliminate the integral techniques blood purification medium and large molecular toxins, and Chinese herb medicine are needed.

2. dilates blood vessels and promoting microcirculation. There is enough supply of blood and oxygen to the damaged kidneys. Process stopped renal fibrosis and renal function is not reduced further.

3. Regular entire immune system and supplement the blood and Qi in order to revive the self-renewal of damaged kidney cells and promote kidney function.


Micro-medicine in China Osmotropia Protinuria on hold

PKD patients develop no obvious symptoms until kidney cysts are big enough to press and replace normal kidney tissues.

Proteinuria is a symptom of which is PKD.Puesto kidney tubules are damaged first PKD, ie the ability to re-absorption of protein is damaged, therefore, 24h quantitative protein is often small (1-2g / d ) and no patients developed severe proteinuria (greater than 3.5g / d) However, with disease progression, there will be more and more proteins are leaked urine when glomeruli are damaged.

Since proteinuria itself is an independent factor that can worsen kidney damage so early and effective treatment should be sought.

Hormones, immunosuppressive and antihypertensive drugs are drugs to reduce proteinuria convention, but long-term intake of these drugs will damage the kidneys and body, therefore, are not the best option.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and effective treatment for proteinuria and renal disease can not treat proteinuria but can also treat renal cysts, it is more effective and efficient long plazo.Es an external application and causes side effects or harm to patients, as long as patient's skin is not allergic to Chinese medicine.

Reducing proteinuria by reducing high blood pressure

Active ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicine have the functions of removing blood stasis, dilating blood vessels and promote blood circulation to relieve states of high pressure, high filtration, high perfusion in the walls can soften riñones.También of blood vessels and help blood pressure alta.Ha also it has been shown to control high blood pressure can significantly reduce protein in urine, slow disease progression and protect residual renal function.

Reducing proteinuria by repairing damaged kidney tissues

We know that the main cause of proteinuria is damaged glomerular filtration membrane tubules renales.Por one hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine can help cleanse the kidneys and provide an environment favorable.Por other hand, can provide nourishment needed to repair damaged kidney tissues and regenerate new tissues renal.Cuando operating the filtration membrane is repaired, proteins can not escape.

Treatment of polycystic kidney disease by shrinking renal cysts and renal function improved

With the help of osmosis machine, active ingredients in drugs can penetrate the kidneys through the renal piel.Quistes will be gradually shrunk even more cysts will be bloqueados.Un is prevented further deterioration and improve renal function gradualmente.Es why we say that the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and effective treatment.

As a new treatment option for various kidney diseases, it has been shown that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has particularly good effects in treatment of polycystic kidney disease.


What takes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect after dialysis

Today, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is becoming more and more popular among patients with kidney disease worldwide. Some people may ask, "This therapy is effective after dialysis?" In this report, we will find the answer to this question. for personalized suggestions, you can talk to our doctor online for free help!

Do you think Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect after dialysis, the answer is "YES", as long as the patient can still urinate, which means there is still blood flow to the kidneys. In this case, the drug can reach the kidneys and repair work in kidney failure.

In fact, progression of renal disease is a renal fibrosis process. To improve kidney dialysis patient function, you must inhibit the inflammatory response in the kidneys, promote blood and oxygen supply and repair of renal inherent cells.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can take effect by the steps as follows:

1. Clean the blood and get rid of all the toxic pathogens. Dialysis can only remove small molecular toxins like creatinine, urea and uric acid. Therefore, to eliminate the integral techniques blood purification medium and large molecular toxins, and Chinese herb medicine are needed.

2. dilates blood vessels and promoting microcirculation. There is enough supply of blood and oxygen to the damaged kidneys. Process stopped renal fibrosis and renal function is not reduced further.

3. Regular entire immune system and supplement the blood and Qi in order to revive the self-renewal of damaged kidney cells and promote kidney function.


Detailed information Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in PKD

Exitre no cure for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) .Many hospitals just do surgery to remove cysts when small cysts grow to be sufficiently grande.Para patients with renal dysfunction, dialysis or kidney transplantation the only option for them. When patients are without hope, a new drug therapy Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, is prized for home and people extranjeras.¿Cómo works Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD?

1.Encoger renal cysts

PKD is a condition that numerous cysts grow in the riñones.Y these cysts increase with age and then oppress the kidneys to cause renal damage tissues and reduce the number of kidney nephrons sanos.Por Finally, kidneys can not make you live a life normal.Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy is capable of inhibiting the generation of cyst fluid and increase the permeability of mesangial area in order to shrink cysts.

Renal fibrosis process 2.Evitar

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is able to avoid the process of renal fibrosis and the stem of the renal function becomes impaired renal function or uremia.Uremia is not a sudden form while with the growth of renal cysts, renal parenchymal cysts oppress. Also, patients with polycystic kidney disease have incorrect treatment or neglect of treatment for PKD, will glomerular lack of blood and oxygen and even lead to glomerular necrótico.De Thus, the progression of renal fibrosis has not been effectively inhibited and waste or toxins They accumulate in your body.

3.Reparar damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combines Western medicine and Western medicine medicines chinas.Los aim to control symptoms but fail to address the root PKD, ie cysts not reduce oppression of cysts in tissue shrinks renales.De this way, Chinese medicines are used to repair kidney damage and the active ingredients in Chinese medicine can alleviate renal ischemia to progressively improve renal function.



Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for patients with renal insufficiency higher

As we all know, every body can get sick because there is no age limit for the disease. Kidney disease is also an exception. Except children and youth, the elderly are suffering too.But common treatments for kidney failure is not suitable for the elderly, such as dialysis and transplantation to help patients older live a better life and get rid of pain, next, we present a natural and effective treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and aims to treat disease renal.Debido that this therapy is simple to operate and has no side effect, which is suitable for all the age of patients, including older patients. Compared with younger patients, older people have poorer immunity, and complications of the elderly patients are more graves.Por Therefore, you need to receive treatment in time, as long as you are diagnosed with kidney disease, because as the disease gets worse, it is more difficult to treat.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used externally and acts on the acupuncture point shenshu. With the help of advanced equipment, Micro-Chinese Medicine can penetrate the kidneys funcionar.Las main functions of this therapy dilate blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and the extracellular matrix of the four degradantes.Después steps, these drugs may protect the kidneys and block the progression of renal fibrosis, moreover, can also repair damaged kidneys and improve function renal.Para patients, who only has to stay in bed to complete the treatment, so that older patients do not have any dolor.Excepto repair damaged kidneys and improving kidney function, this therapy can also provide many nutrients for patients, such as trace elements, vitamins, organic acids, amino-acid essential.

In conclusion, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best treatment for patients with renal insufficiency older because it is safe, comfortable and eficaz.Si want to know this therapy, you're welcome to send an email to @ hotmail-renal disease .com, and are willing to share with you more information about this treatment. Bless you.


Detailed information Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in PKD

Exitre no cure for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) .Many hospitals just do surgery to remove cysts when small cysts grow to be sufficiently grande.Para patients with renal dysfunction, dialysis or kidney transplantation the only option for them. When patients are without hope, a new drug therapy Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, is prized for home and people extranjeras. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD?

1.Encoger renal cysts

PKD is a condition that numerous cysts grow in the riñones.Y these cysts increase with age and then oppress the kidneys to cause renal damage tissues and reduce the number of kidney nephrons sanos.Por Finally, kidneys can not make you live a life normal.Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy is capable of inhibiting the generation of cyst fluid and increase the permeability of mesangial area in order to shrink cysts.

Renal fibrosis process 2.Evitar

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is able to avoid the process of renal fibrosis and the stem of the renal function becomes impaired renal function or uremia.Uremia is not a sudden form while with the growth of renal cysts, renal parenchymal cysts oppress. Also, patients with polycystic kidney disease have incorrect treatment or neglect of treatment for PKD, will glomerular lack of blood and oxygen and even lead to glomerular necrótico.De Thus, the progression of renal fibrosis has not been effectively inhibited and waste or toxins They accumulate in your body.

3.Reparar damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combines Western medicine and Western medicine medicines chinas.Los aim to control symptoms but fail to address the root PKD, ie cysts not reduce oppression of cysts in tissue shrinks renales.De this way, Chinese medicines are used to repair kidney damage and the active ingredients in Chinese medicine can alleviate renal ischemia to progressively improve renal function.


Más reciente tratamiento para nefropatía diabética:Micro-Medicina China osmoterapia

Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of diabetes, clinic, patients with diabetic nephropathy dialysis treatment usually begin earlier than patients with other types of diseases renales.Sin But the fact is that no one wants to experience.Micro-patient treatment Medicine China Osmotherapy is treated as a new treatment for nephropathy.Siga us to see how it helps patients with diabetic nephropathy.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new development of Chinese herbal medicines, but externamente.De used according to specific conditions of patients, experts choose the appropriate Chinese herbal medicines and then match them to minimize renal toxicity and maximize efficacy of medicines .dos bags filled with processed drugs are fastened to the lower back of patients osmosis device will help active drug materials obtained directly kidneys through skin and channels on the part posterior.Todas Chinese herbal medicines come from nature, so patients do not have to worry about security secundarios.La effects, high efficiency and short treatment of the latter treatment for diabetic nephropathy is benefiting more and more patients worldwide.

How Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help patients diabetic nephropathy?

Various Chinese herbal medicines funciones.Los play different active materials of Chinese herbal medicine as islet activating element adjustment factor islet cells, pancreatic enzyme activated, active protein plant and so on may lead to the patient under the action of electromagnético.Estos field repair factors can activate factor and insulin resistance and decrease sensibilidad.De Thus, the insulin receptor is more sensitive to insulin and will be recovered islet function.

That is how this latest treatment for diabetic nephropathy is diabetes.Entonces Chinese medicinal herbs that have the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, extend blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promote DNA replication damaged inherent cells and provide nutrition for kidney repair damaged kidney damage and recover kidney function.

Foreign patients describe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as Chinese massage, very . you are also interested in the latter treatment for diabetic nephropathy, you can leave a message below, we will do everything possible to help.


FSGS can undo the dialysis Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

"I'm there looking at options for my disease. I am suffering from FSGS from the last 13 Ahora have creatinine level 6 in dialysis. Is it OK for me to get out of therapy for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? We urgently need your advice ".

Expert answer: Hello, sir, sorry for your consult. We are the largest specialized kidney disease hospital in China and have more than 25 years specialized in the treatment of kidney diseases including GSF knowledge. It is a pleasure to share useful tips to help undo dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the leading therapies to our hospital.Se invented by our experts in the kidneys after more than twenty years of study and clinical practice. As an innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine, is an external application of herbal medicine, without side effects.

For patients're just starting dialysis for a long time or not they still have urine output, have great hope for reducing the frequency of dialysis or even get rid of this therapy.


Herbal treatment for IgA nephropathy Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

What is the herbal treatment for patients with IgA nephropathy? IgA nephropathy is an autoimmune disease and is commonly treated by medicines esteroides.Estas show fast, noticeable effects of treatment, but disappointed that cause many terrible side effects if used over a Long tiempo.Por Therefore, many patients with IgA nephropathy turn their eyes towards herbal treatment desire to find a natural remedy.

As for herbal treatment for IgA nephropathy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is very recomendable.Comparado steroid, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are a couple of advantages:

1.Micro-Chinese Medicine does not cause discomfort or side effects

Steroids are effective and their role in treating IgA nephropathy is clear, but the problem is that once being taken for some time, several ailments or call us say side effect Moreover, children with IgA nephropathy , long-term use of steroids also affect their mental and physical development, which is very influential for his future life.

Unlike steroids, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy secundarios.Es effects not cause an herbal treatment based on herbs and chinas.Micro-Chinese Medicine is not an independent grass, but a combination of several Chinese herbs that are carefully selected and have been to prevent to be sure before putting into use.

2.Micro-Chinese medicine is mainly IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is marked by plenty of deposits of IgA deposits in the area mesangial.Estos not belong to our kidney, so that when deposited there, inflammation occur to treat inflammation of eliminarlas.Aunque it helps remove deposits of IgA, which is good for our kidneys, but can cause damage to surrounding renal tissues at the same tiempo.Nefropatía IgA is caused by renal function is damaged due to kidney damage inflamación.Esteroides have rapid effects in blocking inflammation and this will help to prevent further riñones.Sin damage but the problem is that they can not remove IgA deposit out of the kidneys, so when patients stop taking medicine or reduce doses of medicines, inflammation occurs again and condition of disease relapse.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which treats IgA nephropathy making function of expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and matrix degrading extracelulares.Con the help of these features, not only deposition of IgA in mesangial area It can be eliminated slowly, some wounds intrinsic renal cells also can be repaired effectively.

Finally, as an herbal treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can you help patients with IgA nephropathy for your illness condition improved effectively, but unfortunately, IgA nephropathy can not yet be cured, as necrotic kidney tissues can not be returned nuevo.Esta to life why patients are always to be treated as soon as possible.


You can Micromedicina China osmotherapy Reverse Phase 3 renal disease with creatinine 4.2

Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Reverse Phase 3 renal disease with creatinine 4.2? Many patients ask them to. In fact, we not sure what other people think of hospitals, but we can promise that if you are at stage 3 kidney disease, have a fifty percent chance that your illness condition can do inverso.Cómo ?

Based on years of experience in research and clinical applications, our hospital (Hospital of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease) discover that some kidney diseases can experience the process of qi stagnation, stasis, stagnation of the toxin. And stage 3 kidney disease means that it is in the stage of stagnation is the best period of treatment for kidney failure.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the product of our hospital through research over twenty years. Adopt our only medicines according to patient condition disease, and has no side effects for patients.

There are four advantages to invest Phase 3 renal disease with creatinine 4.2.

1.Expansión blood vessel. This therapy can expand blood vessels to promote blood flow, and improve the disturbance microcirculación.Puede provide a good environment for the recovery of damaged kidney.

2.Anti-inflammatory. This therapy can inhibit the release of inflammatory factors and prevent kidney damage worse.

3.Anti-coagulation. It can prevent the clotting of blood and promote blood circulation also can also promote recovery and reconstruction of the kidney cells.

4.La degradation of extracellular matrix. The active drug can degrade the extracellular matrix to prevent worsening renal fibrosis.


Micro-Medicina China osmoterapia para la presión arterial alta en la FSGS

FSGS, short for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, a type of kidney disease in which scar tissue formed in parts of the kidney called glomérulos.Y the FSGS patients are often suffering from high blood pressure that influences their normal life severely. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which often use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat high blood pressure FSGS.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine. It is the disease of the kidneys in order to repair the damaged kidney and renal function recovered disminuido.Debido to the root cause of FSGS with high blood pressure damage the kidneys. That is, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an appropriate treatment for high blood pressure FSGS. You can treat high blood pressure by expanding FSGS blood, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and extracellular matrices degradantes.Además vessels, there are many nutrients in Micro-Chinese Medicine, which can meet the needs of the patient to repair the damaged kidney and promote tissue reconstruction of the glomerulus and tubular.Además, this therapy is proved to be convenient, safe and effective for clinical applications because it is used externally, and all drugs are of nature.

Another point, changing your diet is also very important for lowering blood pressure and preventing its FSGS agravando.Hablando in general, patients with high blood pressure in FSGS need to limit the intake of salt and fat in the strict sense, but maintain low consumption of high quality protein, providing enough vitamin and so on.

If you receive the treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and maintain strict dietary regimen, high blood pressure is reduced to a normal level and your health will be greatly mejorado.Si you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want condtion know more about your disease, please free contact us leaving your message below or contact our online doctors.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is an autoimmune disease caused by deposition of IgA and IgA immune complexes in renal mesangial areas.

Traditionally there is no specific treatment for IgA nephropathy, in addition to relieving symptoms, slowing disease progression and protection of residual renal function by prednisone, cyclophosphamide, ACEI, ARB, diuretics, along with low-protein diets.

Some patients can achieve complete remission, however some patients that ultimately turn into kidney failure in some patients but in the end will run until failure renal.Para those who have achieved clinical remission, hematuria, proteinuria are easy to relapse under the incentive cold, infections, fatigue or renal drugs toxicidad.Esto is because root problem has not been solved.

So what it is root cause of IgA nephropathy? That's immune complex deposition and kidney damage. It is also the key point for healing and relapse prevention IgA disease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more advanced and goes a step beyond traditional treatment for nephropathy IgA.Es an external application of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and efficacy of medicines have improved a lot since it is applied externally and ingredients active renal lesions may enter more directly and efficiently.

Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy functions are direct vasodilation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, extracellular matrix degradation and immune complexes in order to greatly improve ischemia and hypoxia in riñones.Lo Moreover, active ingredients in Micro- Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can provide nourishment needed to repair damaged in order to greatly improve kidney function and kidney tissues much delay its progression to kidney failure.

After application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, patients much better and clinical symptoms of IgA nephropathy fell as high blood pressure, bubbles in urine, blood in urine, infections will be very aliviados.Lo more importantly, kidney functions will be improved gradualmente.También can help regulate other disorders and imbalances in the patient's body in order to make them stronger and improve your immunity.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for allograft nephropathy

Chronic allograft nephropathy is kidney problem after transplant surgery renal.Aunque renal transplantation is a relatively effective and ideal treatment option for patients with stage renal disease terminal.Puede help patients get rid of dialysis, kidney functions recover and bring life Yet another standard vez.Sin is no cure for kidney disease and there is some survival rate and life expectancy for renal transplantation.
As most patients with ESRD renal transplantation considered the last hope for your disease often lose hope for recovery once they are diagnosed as chronic nephropathy aloinjerto.Para many patients, they have to start dialysis again to keep his life.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been used clinically to treat patients with chronic allograft nephropathy has been shown to be an effective alternative treatment option.
Many after kidney transplant surgery factors can affect the life of the new transplanted kidneys including high blood pressure, frequent infections and organ rejections etc.
For the risk of organ rejection, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy not help much, but it still has many benefits for patients.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help control and prevent high blood pressure is a major risk factor renal.Por damage blood vessels dilate, blood clot removal and treatment of infections and inflammations in the kidneys, blood pressure can be reduced and kidney damage can be prevented so that further deterioration of disease conditions can be prevenido.Cuando blood pressure is well controlled, disease progression can be slowed significantly and symptoms such as proteinuria, swelling can all be relieved.
Active ingredients in Chinese medicine can help regulate conditions of patient's immune system and greatly reduce the risks and incidence of infections that are common lure of renal damage in new kidney transplant kidney functions thus can be protected and rates survival and life of renal transplant can be much higher.


The best treatment for PKD: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

PKD (polycystic kidney disease) is a genetic disease, and the possibility of worsening end-stage renal disease accounts for ten percent of all the renales.Los disease patients suffering from complications are eager to know the best treatment for PKD. Precisely what we find in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

What complications can cause PKD?

In the kidneys they are pressured by many renal cysts, renal function decreases seriously, so there will be a number of complications, such as high blood pressure, anemia, infection, hematuresis, back pain and kidney stones. All these complications can increase the pain of patients.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy PKD?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best treatment for PKD, as it is not only safe but also effective. It is used externally and active drugs can penetrate renal lesions with the aid of equipment avanzada.Los permeate drugs can inhibit renal tubular epithelial cells secrete cystic fluid. In addition, the active drug can reduce the size of renal cysts. As time goes on under our treatment, state of disease control, and cysts was reduced to a level seguro.Además, this therapy can also improve renal function of patients. What's more, this therapy is the combination of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and all drugs are of nature. Therefore, it has no side effects for patients, and patients only need to lie in bed for this treatment.

Also, if you are suffering from other complications, we can also opt for other treatments as part of their tratamiento.Tal as oral medications, drug therapy, bath and pedicure. They can help patients eliminate toxins from the body and relieve complications.



What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a relatively new treatment for kidney disease  based on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and combined with advanced technology medical osmosis greatly promote the effectiveness of Chinese Medicine.

Different from traditional decoction of Chinese medicines, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application Which is more convenient and effective and causes no harms to the gastrointestinal tract or internal organs.

How to prepare Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

After extensive tests and examinations, some Chinese medicines are prescribed according to the patient's specific disease conditions and físicas.Entonces these medicines will be made in powder form and placed in bags especiales.Estas bags will be soaked in a solution prepared by and for treatment, 2 medical bags will be placed on kidney patient areas.

What the patient needs to do is establish in their espalda.Los active ingredients penetrate into the kidneys and their role in kidney damage repair and regeneration of new tissue machine funcionamiento.Con the help of osmosis, the effectiveness and efficiency are improved greatly.

Since it is an external application causes almost no damage in the body as long as the patient's skin is not allergic to medicinales.Es bags very comfortable, patients can feel the flow of your sangre.Es like massage and patients can feel very relaxed during treatment.

Healing functions of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: vasodilation, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, anti-coagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, removing blood clots and promote blood circulation, elimination of immune complexes.

After application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, patients may have the following improvements.

* High blood pressure will be lowered

* Patients begin to sweat and cool feeling very relieved

* Your appetite and sleep quality will be improved

* Proteinuria will be reduced

* Hematuria may disappear

* Patients may notice type cotton materials in urine

* Chronic pain, fatigue and ill feelings will be relieved

* Complications will be relieved

* Disease progression will be slower

* Kidney functions can be improved


High levels of creatinine: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new way to lower creatinine levels and functions on the basis of Chinese herbs that have been successfully used to treat various diseases refractory clínica.Creatinina is a common index that can be measured to determine if patients need to start dialysis or no.Por Therefore, when creatinine level is lowered effectively osmotherapy Micro-Chinese Medicine, dialysis can be avoided, at least delayed to some extent.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application of Chinese herbs that are ground into powder before use and this may help increase the effects of tratamiento.En damaged one kidney, there are healthy kidney cells, injured and dead muertas.Por these kidney cells we can not bring them back to life, this is the reason that chronic kidney disease can not be cured completamente.Pero Fortunately, these injuries can repair kidney cells by increasing their capacity for self-curativo.Sabemos that when our finger is injured, You can recover by itself, and this is because our cells are capable of self-curativo.En reality, our kidney cells also have the ability to self-repair, but when the damage is outside their ability to self-repair, gradualmente.Por thus become necrotic, increased capacity for self-healing renal cell will help to repair damage renales.Micro-Chinese Medicine to expand blood vessels function, anti inflammation, anti-clotting and degrade extracellular matrix osmotherapy there, all of which can help injured kidney cells are recuperen.Además, Chinese medicines can also provide renal cell nutrition, to some extent it contributes to the recovery of kidney damage also.

Creatinine is a waste produced by our body and usually discharged by our riñones.Cuando kidney cells are damaged, kidney function decreases, and consequently, creatinine builds up in the sangre.Alto creatinine level is the result of decreased renal function , so it improved kidney condition will help to lower level creatinina.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is no function to repair damaged kidney cells are recovered as kidney cells, kidney function is improved and also high creatinine level is lowered.

Micro-Chinese Medicine takes Chinese herbs as the main material, so compared with hormone and immunosuppressive agents, it is safer and natural.Hasta has now been successfully adopted to treat patients over 50 countries and has been widely accepted by various countries because of its obvious effects tratamiento.Por Therefore, if you are a patient with renal disease and want to lower creatinine level, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an option for you.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for patients with renal insufficiency higher

As we all know, every body can get sick because there is no age limit for the disease. Kidney disease is also an exception. Except children and youth, the elderly are suffering too.But common treatments for kidney failure is not suitable for the elderly, such as dialysis and transplantation help patients older live a better life and get rid of pain, next, we present a natural and effective treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and aims to treat disease renal.that this therapy is simple to operate and has no side effect, which is suitable for all the age of patients, including older patients. Compared with younger patients, older people have poorer immunity, and complications of the elderly patients are more graves.Por Therefore, you need to receive treatment in time, as long as you are diagnosed with kidney disease, because as the disease gets worse, it is more difficult to treat.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used externally and acts on the acupuncture point shenshu. With the help of advanced equipment, Micro-Chinese Medicine can penetrate the kidneys funcionar.Las main functions of this therapy dilate blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and the extracellular matrix of the four degradantes.steps, these drugs may protect the kidneys and block the progression of renal fibrosis, moreover, can also repair damaged kidneys and improve function renal.Para patients, who only has to stay in bed to complete the treatment, so that older patients do not have any dolor.Excepto repair damaged kidneys and improving kidney function, this therapy can also provide many nutrients for patients, such as trace elements, vitamins, organic acids, amino-acid essential.


The treatment of hyperlipidemia in nephrotic syndrome: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The hyperlipidemia may be a common symptom of syndrome.Un timely treatment for hyperlipidemia it seems to be very important because hyperlipidemia is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease hidden which can be life mortal.Como nephrotic syndrome, if you is suffering from hyperlipidemia, here we will give some diet suggestions and introduce a natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Diet Tips for nephrotic syndrome patients with hyperlipidemia

A. Eat more soluble fiber found in oats, fruits, legumes and vegetables.

B. Consumption of reduced-fat milk and skim milk.

C. Choosing lean cuts of meat and remove all visible fat.

D. Taking care of pies, fish, breaded and fried and commercial cakes because they contain hidden fat.

E. Reduce intake of cheese and substituting low-fat varieties in their diet.

F. Eat less meat and dairy products rich in cholesterol.

G. Eat skinless chicken, fish or beans.

H. Making cakes at home with polyunsaturated fats, cooking chips with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oil.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for hyperlipidemia in nephrotic syndrome

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbal medicine, it is used externamente.Pacientes with nephrotic syndrome simply be lying on the bed to take this natural treatment, because two bags filled with Chinese medicinal herbs processed will be subjected to the lower back helps pacientes.Dispositivo osmosis plant and equipment obtained directly through the kidneys that permeates the skin.

First, to address hyperlipidemia through the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and expansion of sanguíneos.Luego vessels, to repair the kidney damage and renal function recovered by anti -inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, providing nourishment to the damaged kidneys and promote DNA replication of damaged renal cells.


PKD newer treatment in China: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the new treatment of PKU in China, is the basic treatment technology Shijiazhuang Disease Hospital PKD Riñón.Con this latest therapy, we can reduce the pain and avoid bringing PKD cysts complications lead a.Ahora Let's have a study where the dosage form Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is PKD.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is PKD through three maneras.Y we believe are the main reasons why more and more foreign patients come to try this last treatment PKD in China.
1. To control the growth of cysts, pharmaceutical ingredients may work directly on the lesions, inhibiting the secretion of fluid from the bladder, anteing bladder epithelial cell growth and reduction of secondary injury.
2. For the treatment of enlarged cysts, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the functions to dilate blood vessels, improving blood circulation, reversing the pressure difference between the fluid in the blood vessels around the cysts and cysts fluid, so that the liquid within the capsule can gradually taken into the bloodstream, and then removed from the body with the urine.
3. In addition, during the treatment process, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy supports some nutrients such as organic acids, vitamins and so on to repair the kidney, so you can prevent damage to the kidney and the intrinsic repair damaged kidney cells .
The active materials of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the condition of circulation of blood vessels and cysts walsl capsule and soften, thereby increasing the permeability of the capsule walls and inhibition of the secretion of cell wall capsule.


It's total external osmotherapy Micromedicina China

For people with chronic kidney disease should want to stop or at least slow the progression of the disease renal.De otherwise, may have finally kidney failure. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy gives many patients a hope, and doctors say that this therapy is the total external externo.Es?


As we all know, the kidneys are excretory organs found in the back inferior.Normalmente, blood flows to the kidneys to provide enough blood and oxygen to the inherent renal cells and kidneys filter the blood to limpiarla.Sin But when the kidneys are damaged, they are not able to purify blood background. Then, the link between the blood and kidneys becomes abnormal.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and focuses on the treatment of kidney disease crónica.De according to the relationship between the kidneys and blood, this therapy can regulate both kidney function and circulation through sanguínea.A expansion of blood vessels, anti-clotting and anti-inflammation, this Osmotherapy can help normalize blood circulation, while investing kidney damage through the degradation of extracellular matrix and enhancing capacity renales.Por healing damaged cells usually after about one or two months, patients can find their general health is much improved.

Is this osmotherapy total external application?

Yes it is. During this therapy, all prescription drugs are destroyed completely and put in two devices osmóticos.A then the products are placed on the lower back, where two kidneys are located, so that the effective ingredients of these drugs can penetrate kidney and perform the work directly through the skin.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for kidney disease

Kidney disease is one of the most refractory conditions to be monitored and treated disease, there are usually long course of disease and high rate of recurrencia.Esto it is because the damaged renal intrinsic cells are not repaired and kidney functions have not been improved.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new treatment for various kidney diseases by combining traditional Chinese medicine and latest theory avanzada.Durante medicine and medical technology has long been found that Western medicine can treat the symptoms, not the disease despite Chinese fast and there is no reason obvias.Medicinas effects of disease treatment object in order to make symptoms disappear naturally, but requires relatively long time for healing effects.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on TCM and using osmosis technology is to greatly enhance the effectiveness of drugs used chinas.Es Chinese externamente.Medicinas be micronized into fine powder and put into bags pequeñas.Las bags will be soaked in solutions and put back under the patient, while in applications.

Since medicines are micronized and are externally applied only in the kidney area, active ingredients of the drugs can penetrate directly in kidney damage and is easier to be absorbed by the natural cuerpo.Es insurance and western medicines and is more effective and efficient than traditional Chinese medicine.

During treatment, patients have to do anything but lie on your back and relajante.Es very comfortable and patients may even feel the blood is flowing in your cuerpo.Pacientes may have evident relief of their symptoms and treatment malestares.patients you feel good and some begin to sweat after several treatments .Se increased urine output and urine will be more like it should ser.La urine kidney disease patients spend almost like water because the kidneys fail eliminate waste.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can make your dark urine means that your kidney function is recovering.

High blood pressure patients, swelling and other symptoms will also be relieved from Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help remove blood stasis, promoting blood circulation in order to greatly improve ischemia, hypoxia, high pressure, high filtration, high perfusion the kidney.

Chinese medicines may also provide essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals for repairing damaged kidney tissues and promote DNA replication in intrinsic renal cell gradually so damaged kidney structure and restore kidney function.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Purpura nephropathy

Characterized by purple skin, joint pain, stomach pain and hematochezia, Purpura nephropathy HSP can affect the health of gravemente.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy patients it is a great innovation of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment various disorders renales.Puede help treat nephropathy purple?

Purpura nephropathy, also called HSPN, is caused by complex-mediated systemic vasculitis inmunes.El beginning of this renal disorder is mainly related to humoral immunity, and in some cases, may also have a relation to immunity celular.Si unchecked effectively, purple nephropathy in kidney failure worsen over time.

From the above analysis, we know purpura nephritis has a close link with the disorder treatment should be able to regulate the immune system of patients, removing immune complexes, and protect the functioning kidney tissues.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has a big advantage over the treatment of chronic kidney disease, including kidney disease. First, this therapy can be combined, split and dissolve immune complexes, so these pathogenic factors are finally eliminated from the body through the system circulatorio.En Secondly, this osmotherapy Chinese medicine can regulate the balance of electrolytes and fluid, blood circulation normalize and correct the activity of immune cells as well as to adjust the immune system efectiva.Por Finally, some medicines used herbal which have the property of providing adequate nutrition and oxygen to the inherent renal cells and stimulate recovery renal.Con these three effects, this therapy can help treat Purpura nephropathy effectively and successfully.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD with frequent urination

Frequent urination is a common symptom of PKD which affects the life and work of patients in traditional medicine almost do nothing to cure the symptom of  Well, this article will introduce the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy of PKD patients with frequent urination.

Why PKD patients suffer from frequent urination?

Most cysts are distributed in the renal tubules and growth  cysts, they will take space from normal tissues, leading to hypoxic-ischemic state in the normal condition, urine crude you can concentrate when flowing despite the renal tubules, however, when the kidney tubules are damaged, patients suffer frequent urination.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD with frequent urination.

According to what we have mentioned, we know that the treatment of frequent urination root of the need to treat PKD with eficacia.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best option for patients with PKD.

1.La reduction of cysts: The active principles of medicine has the function of promoting blood circulation in cysts walls, so that the permeability of the walls of the cysts can be increased and the cyst fluid can flow sangre.Con back into the blood circulation, fluids can be metabolized cysts, cyst achieve the purpose of shrinkage.

2.The control of cysts: The active drug can also inactivate cysts epithelial cell walls, inhibiting fluid secretion cysts, the cysts so not grow and expand.

When cysts shrugged and controlled, hypoxic-ischemic kidney condition can be remitido.Con increased blood perfusion, renal function can be reversed and frequent urination can also be cured.


Micro-Medicina China osmoterapia PKD Treat sin tratamiento Cirugía

Many cysts in the kidneys of patients with PKD. With the enlargement of these cysts, patients will suffer more and more, such as back pain, blood urine, high blood pressure and so on, and when the cysts take up space of kidney tissue, kidney function PKD is one of the causes of failure renal, what can PKD patients to prevent and treat your illness? Surgery and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Treatment Surgery is the most common cyst patient treatment renal.Cuando cysts are larger than 4 cm, patients usually recommend surgery. With the development of technology surgery, patients can reduce the size of the cysts and control cysts with little trauma and low rate of infection, and patients can enter the normal life and work pronto.Sin But for PKD patients, too many cysts in the kidneys, the intestine can get great, one after another, while surgery can not be taken again and again.

In addition, surgery is limited if the cysts in the deep parts of the kidney. PKD patients really need a natural treatment that can replace the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application medicine is applied to the kidney area, avoid losing the effects of the medicine.

The active compounds in medicine has the function of promoting blood circulation cysts walls, so that the permeability of the walls can be increased cysts and cyst fluids can flow back into the blood circulation is metabolised the sangre.Por Moreover, the active substances may also inactivate the epithelial cells of the cysts walls, so that fluids can not be secreted cysts more and cysts can be controlled efectivamente.No matter where the cysts are not matter how many cysts it spreads and regardless of the size of the cysts are, the drug can reduce and inhibit cysts effectively.



Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for patients with renal insufficiency higher

As we all know, every body can get sick because there is no age limit for the disease. Kidney disease is also an exception. Except children and youth, the elderly are suffering too.But common treatments for kidney failure is not suitable for the elderly, such as dialysis and transplantation riñón.Con to help patients older live a better life and get rid of pain, next, we present a natural and effective treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and aims to treat disease renal.Debido that this therapy is simple to operate and has no side effect, which is suitable for all the age of patients, including older patients. Compared with younger patients, older people have poorer immunity, and complications of the elderly patients are more graves.Por Therefore, you need to receive treatment in time, as long as you are diagnosed with kidney disease, because as the disease gets worse, it is more difficult to treat.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used externally and acts on the acupuncture point shenshu. With the help of advanced equipment, Micro-Chinese Medicine can penetrate the kidneys funcionar.Las main functions of this therapy dilate blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and the extracellular matrix of the four degradantes.Después steps, these drugs may protect the kidneys and block the progression of renal fibrosis, moreover, can also repair damaged kidneys and improve function renal.Para patients, who only has to stay in bed to complete the treatment, so that older patients do not have any dolor.Excepto repair damaged kidneys and improving kidney function, this therapy can also provide many nutrients for patients, such as trace elements, vitamins, organic acids, amino-acid essential.


The treatment of hyperlipidemia in nephrotic syndrome: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The hyperlipidemia may be a common symptom of syndrome  timely treatment for hyperlipidemia it seems to be very important because hyperlipidemia is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease hidden which can be life mortal.Como nephrotic syndrome, if you is suffering from hyperlipidemia, here we will give some diet suggestions and introduce a natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Diet Tips for nephrotic syndrome patients with hyperlipidemia

A. Eat more soluble fiber found in oats, fruits, legumes and vegetables.

B. Consumption of reduced-fat milk and skim milk.

C. Choosing lean cuts of meat and remove all visible fat.

D. Taking care of pies, fish, breaded and fried and commercial cakes because they contain hidden fat.

E. Reduce intake of cheese and substituting low-fat varieties in their diet.

F. Eat less meat and dairy products rich in cholesterol.

G. Eat skinless chicken, fish or beans.

H. Making cakes at home with polyunsaturated fats, cooking chips with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oil.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for hyperlipidemia in nephrotic syndrome

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbal medicine, it is used externamente.Pacientes with nephrotic syndrome simply be lying on the bed to take this natural treatment, because two bags filled with Chinese medicinal herbs processed will be subjected to the lower back helps pacientes.Dispositivo osmosis plant and equipment obtained directly through the kidneys that permeates the skin.

First, to address hyperlipidemia through the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and expansion of sanguíneos.Luego vessels, to repair the kidney damage and renal function recovered by anti -inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, providing nourishment to the damaged kidneys and promote DNA replication of damaged renal cells.


PKD newer treatment in China: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the new treatment of PKU in China, is the basic treatment technology Shijiazhuang Disease Hospital PKD Riñón.Con this latest therapy, we can reduce the pain and avoid bringing PKD cysts complications lead a.Ahora Let's have a study where the dosage form Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is PKD.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is PKD through three maneras.Y we believe are the main reasons why more and more foreign patients come to try this last treatment PKD in China.
1. To control the growth of cysts, pharmaceutical ingredients may work directly on the lesions, inhibiting the secretion of fluid from the bladder, anteing bladder epithelial cell growth and reduction of secondary injury.
2. For the treatment of enlarged cysts, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the functions to dilate blood vessels, improving blood circulation, reversing the pressure difference between the fluid in the blood vessels around the cysts and cysts fluid, so that the liquid within the capsule can gradually taken into the bloodstream, and then removed from the body with the urine.
3. In addition, during the treatment process, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy supports some nutrients such as organic acids, vitamins and so on to repair the kidney, so you can prevent damage to the kidney and the intrinsic repair damaged kidney cells .
The active materials of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the condition of circulation of blood vessels and cysts walsl capsule and soften, thereby increasing the permeability of the capsule walls and inhibition of the secretion of cell wall capsule.


It's total external osmotherapy Micromedicina China

For people with chronic kidney disease should want to stop or at least slow the progression of the disease renal.De otherwise, may have finally kidney failure. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy gives many patients a hope, and doctors say that this therapy is the total external externo.Es?


As we all know, the kidneys are excretory organs found in the back inferior.Normalmente, blood flows to the kidneys to provide enough blood and oxygen to the inherent renal cells and kidneys filter the blood to limpiarla.Sin But when the kidneys are damaged, they are not able to purify blood background. Then, the link between the blood and kidneys becomes abnormal.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and focuses on the treatment of kidney disease crónica.De according to the relationship between the kidneys and blood, this therapy can regulate both kidney function and circulation through sanguínea.A expansion of blood vessels, anti-clotting and anti-inflammation, this Osmotherapy can help normalize blood circulation, while investing kidney damage through the degradation of extracellular matrix and enhancing capacity renales.Por healing damaged cells usually after about one or two months, patients can find their general health is much improved.

Is this osmotherapy total external application?

Yes it is. During this therapy, all prescription drugs are destroyed completely and put in two devices osmóticos.A then the products are placed on the lower back, where two kidneys are located, so that the effective ingredients of these drugs can penetrate kidney and perform the work directly through the skin.


It's total external osmotherapy Micromedicina China

For people with chronic kidney disease should want to stop or at least slow the progression of the disease renal.De otherwise, may have finally kidney failure. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy gives many patients a hope, and doctors say that this therapy is the total external externo.Es?


As we all know, the kidneys are excretory organs found in the back inferior.Normalmente, blood flows to the kidneys to provide enough blood and oxygen to the inherent renal cells and kidneys filter the blood to limpiarla.Sin But when the kidneys are damaged, they are not able to purify blood background. Then, the link between the blood and kidneys becomes abnormal.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and focuses on the treatment of kidney disease crónica.De according to the relationship between the kidneys and blood, this therapy can regulate both kidney function and circulation through sanguínea.A expansion of blood vessels, anti-clotting and anti-inflammation, this Osmotherapy can help normalize blood circulation, while investing kidney damage through the degradation of extracellular matrix and enhancing capacity renales.Por healing damaged cells usually after about one or two months, patients can find their general health is much improved.

Is this osmotherapy total external application?

Yes it is. During this therapy, all prescription drugs are destroyed completely and put in two devices osmóticos.A then the products are placed on the lower back, where two kidneys are located, so that the effective ingredients of these drugs can penetrate kidney and perform the work directly through the skin.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for kidney disease

Kidney disease is one of the most refractory conditions to be monitored and treated disease, there are usually long course of disease and high rate of recurrencia.Esto it is because the damaged renal intrinsic cells are not repaired and kidney functions have not been improved.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new treatment for various kidney diseases by combining traditional Chinese medicine and latest theory avanzada.Durante medicine and medical technology has long been found that Western medicine can treat the symptoms, not the disease despite Chinese fast and there is no reason obvias.Medicinas effects of disease treatment object in order to make symptoms disappear naturally, but requires relatively long time for healing effects.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on TCM and using osmosis technology is to greatly enhance the effectiveness of drugs used chinas.Es Chinese externamente.Medicinas be micronized into fine powder and put into bags pequeñas.Las bags will be soaked in solutions and put back under the patient, while in applications.

Since medicines are micronized and are externally applied only in the kidney area, active ingredients of the drugs can penetrate directly in kidney damage and is easier to be absorbed by the natural cuerpo.Es insurance and western medicines and is more effective and efficient than traditional Chinese medicine.

During treatment, patients have to do anything but lie on your back and relajante.Es very comfortable and patients may even feel the blood is flowing in your cuerpo.Pacientes may have evident relief of their symptoms and treatment malestares.Después patients you feel good and some begin to sweat after several treatments ósmosis.Se increased urine output and urine will be more like it should ser.La urine kidney disease patients spend almost like water because the kidneys fail eliminate waste metabólicos.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can make your dark urine means that your kidney function is recovering.

High blood pressure patients, swelling and other symptoms will also be relieved from Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help remove blood stasis, promoting blood circulation in order to greatly improve ischemia, hypoxia, high pressure, high filtration, high perfusion the kidney.

Chinese medicines may also provide essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals for repairing damaged kidney tissues and promote DNA replication in intrinsic renal cell gradually so damaged kidney structure and restore kidney function.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Purpura nephropathy

Characterized by purple skin, joint pain, stomach pain and hematochezia, Purpura nephropathy HSP can affect the health of gravemente.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy patients it is a great innovation of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment various disorders renales.Puede help treat nephropathy purple?

Purpura nephropathy, also called HSPN, is caused by complex-mediated systemic vasculitis inmunes.El beginning of this renal disorder is mainly related to humoral immunity, and in some cases, may also have a relation to immunity celular.Si unchecked effectively, purple nephropathy in kidney failure worsen over time.

From the above analysis, we know purpura nephritis has a close link with the disorder inmunológico.El treatment should be able to regulate the immune system of patients, removing immune complexes, and protect the functioning kidney tissues.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has a big advantage over the treatment of chronic kidney disease, including kidney disease.En First, this therapy can be combined, split and dissolve immune complexes, so these pathogenic factors are finally eliminated from the body through the system circulatorio.En Secondly, this osmotherapy Chinese medicine can regulate the balance of electrolytes and fluid, blood circulation normalize and correct the activity of immune cells as well as to adjust the immune system efectiva.Por Finally, some medicines used herbal which have the property of providing adequate nutrition and oxygen to the inherent renal cells and stimulate recovery renal.Con these three effects, this therapy can help treat Purpura nephropathy effectively and successfully.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD with frequent urination

Frequent urination is a common symptom of PKD which affects the life and work of patients in traditional medicine serio.La almost do nothing to cure the symptom of Ahora Well, this article will introduce the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy of PKD patients with frequent urination.

Why PKD patients suffer from frequent urination?

Most cysts are distributed in the renal tubules and growth cysts, they will take space from normal tissues, leading to hypoxic-ischemic state in the normal condition, urine crude you can concentrate when flowing despite the renal tubules, however, when the kidney tubules are damaged, patients suffer frequent urination.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD with frequent urination.

According to what we have mentioned, we know that the treatment of frequent urination root of the need to treat PKD with eficacia.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best option for patients with PKD.

1.La reduction of cysts: The active principles of medicine has the function of promoting blood circulation in cysts walls, so that the permeability of the walls of the cysts can be increased and the cyst fluid can flow sangre.Con back into the blood circulation, fluids can be metabolized cysts, cyst achieve the purpose of shrinkage.

2.The control of cysts: The active drug can also inactivate cysts epithelial cell walls, inhibiting fluid secretion cysts, the cysts so not grow and expand.

When cysts shrugged and controlled, hypoxic-ischemic kidney condition can be remitido.Con increased blood perfusion, renal function can be reversed and frequent urination can also be cured.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat PKD untreated Surgery

Many cysts in the kidneys of patients with PKD. With the enlargement of these cysts, patients will suffer more and more, such as back pain, blood urine, high blood pressure and so on, and when the cysts take up space of kidney tissue, kidney function PKD is one of the causes of failure renal.Entonces, what can PKD patients to prevent and treat your illness? Surgery and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

Treatment Surgery is the most common cyst patient treatment renal.Cuando cysts are larger than 4 cm, patients usually recommend surgery. With the development of technology surgery, patients can reduce the size of the cysts and control cysts with little trauma and low rate of infection, and patients can enter the normal life and work pronto.Sin But for PKD patients, too many cysts in the kidneys, the intestine can get great, one after another, while surgery can not be taken again and again.

In addition, surgery is limited if the cysts in the deep parts of the kidney. PKD patients really need a natural treatment that can replace the pkd.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application medicine is applied to the kidney area, avoid losing the effects of the medicine.

The active compounds in medicine has the function of promoting blood circulation cysts walls, so that the permeability of the walls can be increased cysts and cyst fluids can flow back into the blood circulation is metabolised the sangre.Por Moreover, the active substances may also inactivate the epithelial cells of the cysts walls, so that fluids can not be secreted cysts more and cysts can be controlled efectivamente.No matter where the cysts are not matter how many cysts it spreads and regardless of the size of the cysts are, the drug can reduce and inhibit cysts effectively.


New Treatment for PKD: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Polycystic kidney disease is a common genetic kidney disease that means that when people were burning, there are many small and large cysts spread riñones.Es difficult to cure genetic disease, but patients can still do a lot of things to prevent the development of cysts and shrink your cysts, living a normal life and largo.Entonces treatment except surgery, now our experts have to present our new treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

With the growth of cysts, patients suffer more and more symptoms, like, the worst for polycystic kidney disease patients high blood pressure, back pain, blood and urine sucesivamente.Sin and yet it is the decrease in renal function. All symptoms and kidney damage are caused by enlarged cysts that have normal kidney tissue spaces. So our treatment should focus on inhibiting the growth of cysts and shrink the cysts.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is specialized herbs chinos.Y types and doses of herbs are prescribed to patients according to their physical conditions específicas.Después crashing, decoction, mixing these herbs, we apply medicine in kidney regions. With the help of osmosis equipment, the active ingredients of drugs can enter the body without losing medical effect.

The active drug can accumulate the blood circulation to increase the permeability of cysts walls so that fluids can flow back into the blood and metabolized sangre.Además circulation, the active substances medicine may also inactivate the epithelial cells of the cysts walls for inhibiting fluid secretion cysts, so the growth of cysts can be controlada.Con all, our therapy can be used in any condition, no matter where Cysts, many extend cysts and the size of the cysts are.



You can Micromedicina China Osmotherapy Treat Kidney Damaged

Kidney damaged means the kidneys are able to filter waste and maintain good blood nourishment correctamente.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on traditional Chinese medicine that can help effectively treat kidney spoiled.
What causes kidney spoiled?
Many conditions can cause kidney damage, as the immune disorder, infection, inherited kidney problem, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. When these factors attack the body, the body will produce antibodies to fight harmful substances, complexing inmunes.Sin But if the circulatory system can not eliminate the immune complexes from the body effectively, the blood will be contaminado.Entonces, less blood can flow to the kidneys, the kidneys and renal anoxia and experience isquémica.Por last condition, increasingly kidney cells are damaged or necrotic.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
It is a great innovation of Chinese medicine, and has overcome the major drawbacks of traditional Chinese medicine.
One is to avoid the bitter taste of Chinese medicine orally, as it is externa.Dos therapy effective implementation bags full of drugs completely destroyed are placed in the lower back, where the kidneys are.

The other is to shorten the working time of these drugs, because these drugs act on the kidneys directly. Then, patients can find your kidney condition is improving quickly.


I have FSGS is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Useful for Me

It is useful for the patient FSGS Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the perfect combination of medicine of traditional Chinese herb and western medicine has proved very effective in the treatment of kidney disease, including FSGS .

You know kidney disease is difficult to cure because the damaged kidney tissues are difficult to be repaired, and kidney tissues necrosis can not be restaurar.Por we recommend patients with renal take systematic treatment early disease. The sooner you can get treatment, the more likely they can get to reverse their disease.

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney disease?

This type of therapy can treat kidney disease by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protect the other from further damage.

It can prevent coagulation and ensure smooth flow and blood flow to provide adequate blood, oxygen and other nourishment to damaged renal tissues and promote their recovery and regeneration of new cells of renal function.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Reverse 40% of kidney function in CKD

Generally speaking, once patients find they are bothered by chronic kidney problems, which usually are suffering renal insuficiente.Para kidneys have important compensatory functions, even with a healthy kidney, people can live a life when normalSólo the remaining kidney function (less than 50% of normal renal function) can not support the metabolism of patients, patients suffer complications and symptoms obvios.Ahora dose will see how our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy reverse renal function 40% .

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is specialized herbs chinos. crashing powdered herbs, refine and apply medicine penetrante.Luego mixed with the drug in the kidney area regions in the work of teams of osmosis, the active ingredients of drugs They can be permeated blood, working on the expansion of blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-freeze and degrade the extracellular matrix.

Kidney damage is caused by insufficient blood and oxygen which would release no factors inflamatorios.Cuando invaders in the body, the immune responses ultra readily produced in our traditional treatmentChina is famous for its role in promoting the blood circulation to remove blood clots and cleaning sangre.Con toxins in the blood of healthy ingredients and smooth blood circulation in the kidneys, kidney damage can detener. the drug also contains the nutrition can help repair the kidney tissues and restore kidney function, so that kidney function may also invest in degree.
