
What renal failure (cell therapy) symptoms

What are the symptoms of renal failure

What are the symptoms of kidney failure is? Treatment of renal failure and kidney failure What are the symptoms are related, many types of renal failure, according to its kind to determine what are the symptoms of kidney failure, types, symptoms will be different, Here are some of the symptoms of kidney failure is what?

What are the symptoms of kidney failure is? Early renal failure patients did not have any obvious symptoms manifested, renal abnormalities before the damage can only be found through clinical laboratory tests. Thus, the occurrence of early renal failure patients often do not know their own illness or that it can not be seriously, thus delaying the best time for treatment of renal failure.

What are the symptoms of mild to moderate renal failure: progression of kidney failure in patients with mild to severe hypertension, despite the blood and other body metabolic wastes such as urea increase, but clinically may only have mild symptoms. In this stage the patient, since the kidneys night can not be the same as the daily as to absorb moisture from urine and concentrated, and therefore, this stage renal failure patients, it may be more cases of nocturnal polyuria, resulting in a total of increase urine output. Conversely, due to the occurrence of renal failure patients, so the majority of renal fibrosis has occurred, the number of units remaining normal kidney rarely, kidneys can not discharge excess salt and water, which will make more liters of blood pressure high. Thus, both high blood pressure and kidney failure will form a vicious cycle chain, promote mutual hypertensive renal failure aggravated the patient's condition.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure in late stage renal failure in patients with hypertension whose disease has been increasing, the advanced stage, the patient blood in the body metabolic waste piled up, these of harmful substances will affect the patient's muscles, nerves, digestive tract, brain, skin and other major body systems, causing kidney failure in patients with hypertension there was a series of clinical symptoms, such as muscle twitching, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, hands and feet, needle-like pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite decline, bad breath, anemia, weight loss, skin, brown, white powder skin surface, body itching, convulsions, and the like. At this point, patients with hypertension deteriorates developed into uremia, enormous difficulty and risk of post-treatment.

These knowledge explains what are the symptoms of kidney failure, kidney failure What are the symptoms of the disease to see if it belongs to which type, so as to determine what the symptoms of renal failure, when patients find themselves suffering from kidney failure, and do not pressure, is recommended in patients transplantation therapy using cell therapy, cell therapy transplant treatment effect is more obvious, cell therapy transplant can clearly control the disease progresses, delay the appearance of complications, as long as patients adhere to treatment, the combination of science nursing program, patients can stay away from dialysis.


