
How to prevent the deterioration of chronic renal failure?

How to prevent the deterioration of chronic renal failure? How to prevent the deterioration of chronic renal failure? Chronic renal failure is a severe kidney disease caused by a variety of reasons, patients with chronic renal failure often requires long-term treatment, patients in addition We should cooperate with medical treatment, but also to attract attention in their own life, which is also an important way to effectively prevent the deterioration of the disease.
1, patients with chronic renal failure, to prevent a variety of infections, avoid throat, lungs, urinary tract infection, in order to avoid infection exacerbation of chronic renal failure.
2, suffering from chronic renal failure patients, to avoid the cold, fatigue, diarrhea, trauma. Because every once infected, the disease may aggravate once.
3, suffering from chronic renal failure patients, if subjected to the infection, you should use antibiotics to control infection, prohibited the use of gentamicin, kanamycin, amphotericin, avoid drugs toxic to the kidneys, otherwise it will increase the acceleration deterioration of renal function.
4, patients with chronic renal failure, but also to control their high blood pressure, because high blood pressure can lead to accelerate the deterioration of renal function, blood pressure is generally maintained at 130 / 80mmHg or less.
5, patients with chronic renal failure, to observe changes in urinary protein, albuminuria is an independent risk factor for progression of chronic kidney disease, and proteinuria is the strongest factor damage, long-term heavy proteinuria can cause renal evil .

Chronic renal failure patients, these points should be noted above, preventive, to prevent the deterioration of chronic renal failure.


