
How stage chronic renal failure?

How stage chronic renal failure? Case of chronic renal failure stage is carried out? According to the severity of stage. Generally can be divided into four phases in clinical, each treatment is not the same.

Chronic renal failure refers to kidney disease or chronic kidney diseases involving the kidney caused by systemic loss, as well as a variety of clinical symptoms and the resulting metabolic disorders consisting syndrome. In a few cases, chronic renal failure may also be transformed from acute renal failure from. We will now be described with chronic renal failure in clinical staging. So as to obtain treatment for kidney failure.

(1) decompensated chronic renal failure (renal decrease of reserve capacity): patients without kidney failure symptoms. Serum creatinine <133 u m01 / L; GFR (glomerular filtration rate) 50-80 ml / min.

(2) chronic renal failure decompensation (azotemia): renal failure early, patients are usually no obvious symptoms, may have mild anemia, polyuria, and nocturia increased: serum creatinine> 133 μmol / L, but <450 μmol / L: GFR (glomerular filtration rate) 25-50 ml / min.

(3) chronic renal failure decompensation late (stage renal failure): anemia in patients with obvious, nocturia and water, electrolyte imbalance, and may have mild gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and central nervous system symptoms; serum creatinine It was significantly higher (approximately 450-707 u mol / L); GFR (glomerular filtration rate) 10-25 ml / min.

(4) end-stage chronic renal failure (uremia): advanced renal failure, renal failure and clinical manifestations of blood biochemical abnormalities have been very significant, uremia syndrome group, each severe symptoms, especially stomach intestinal, cardiovascular, and neurological symptoms more prominent. Water, electrolyte imbalance serious, often have significant metabolic acidosis, serum creatinine greater than 707 u mol / L: GFR (glomerular filtration rate) of less than 10 ml / min.

Stage chronic renal failure is helpful for the treatment, can make the appropriate treatment according to the disease in different periods. This species is more likely in early treatment, once inside there are some difficulties in the late treatment.


