
Severe kidney failure do

Renal failure, referred to as "renal failure", as the name suggests is the body's kidney function lesions occurred, there has been failure phenomenon. From a medical perspective, what is it renal failure? Renal failure is the occurrence of renal fibrosis after its function decreased, leading to a variety of metabolic balance of human disorders, the body of the system will be a deterioration of renal function related complications final stage. Based on the clinical onset of renal failure Jihuan divided into two: renal failure and chronic renal failure, while the latter is the most common.

Renal Failure serious? Renal failure is what disease?

Accurately speaking, renal failure is not an independent disease, but the deterioration of the later stages of kidney disease progression. For kidney disease patients, kidney failure is the most unwanted outcome. Why? Renal failure, which means that patients with kidney disease kidneys can not properly work. Under normal circumstances, it exercised mainly kidneys filter the body of metabolic waste and useful material on the human body re-absorption back function. Once the kidneys do not work properly, the body's metabolic waste can not be excreted, while the human intake of nutrients from the diet, but a steady stream of leakage in vitro. Thus, the function of the kidneys can play more small, kidney atrophy increasingly heavy, we can only rely on the blood substitute kidney dialysis machines to work.

Replace kidney function by dialysis treatment the continuation of life, the ultimate outcome of this is carried out in patients with renal failure, kidney function slowly lose, kidneys continue to shrink until complete necrosis, renal failure patients' lives come to an end. As can be seen, the incidence of renal failure for kidney patients is a bad news, one is because the severity of renal failure in patients with nephropathy caused, and secondly because of the renal dialysis treatment can only exercise the embarrassing situation.

Renal Failure serious? What is the treatment process pay attention to?

Dialysis is merely substitute kidney lesions work, to exercise their lesions kidney function, however, there is no effective control of the disease, renal fibrosis Organization will become increasingly large, the normal function of the kidney is a corresponding decline. Dialysis and no real damage to the kidneys play a therapeutic role. Really want to renal failure in patients treated kidney damage, to restore its original kidney function, can only start from the root causes of renal failure occur.

As already described, kidney failure continue to occur because of kidney fibrosis caused by, so I wanted to treat renal fibrosis in kidneys would only have occurred through a means for repair. This effective method must also be able to do, to cause renal fibrosis were cleared. Thus, the function of the kidneys in order to be truly restored, in order to continuously improve renal disease.


