
What have dried up measures to prevent renal failure

What precautions renal failure! We all know that the incidence of renal failure is no trivial matter, it is possible the patient's kidneys permanently lose their normal function, leading to life-threatening occurrence. Therefore, we must raise awareness of kidney failure defense in peacetime, which means that renal failure for us from harm effective?

First, the intake of high quality protein

Patients with renal failure, the need to limit the intake of protein, to alleviate the burden on the kidneys, but if you eat a big small, the consumption of the body's muscles and visceral tissues, it must eat properly and sufficient "quantity" and "quality" of the protein, the amount of per kilogram of body weight per day should be 1 to 1.2 grams, intake of high quality biological value of animal protein foods, such as: milk, eggs, meat. Due to lower utilization of vegetable protein in the body, resulting in more nitrogenous waste metabolized, so we can not any food, such as: beans (red beans, green beans, peas, beans, soybeans, peas ren), soy products ( tofu, tofu, soy milk), gluten products (gluten, flour sausage, roasted bran), stone fruits (melon seeds, peanuts, walnuts, cashew, chestnut) and the like. Since the essential amino acids vegetarian soy products and cereals contain not complete, in order to improve the utilization of vegetarian protein, these foods should be together with food, can play a complementary effect; the best change to eat custard vegetarian appropriate, protein intake according to quantitative criteria.

Second, adequate intake of calories

Limiting protein intake, in order to avoid inadequate calorie intake, it will increase the generation of nitrogenous waste, can eat more high-calorie and low protein foods to supplement. Vegetable oils (such as: soy, peanut oil), low protein starch (such as: Cheng flour, white powder, lotus root starch,) and carbohydrates (such as: sugar, honey, ginger candy, fruit sugar) to produce a variety of tasty snacks, the heat The intake per day per kilogram of body weight 30 to 40 calories, so weight loss over what.

Third, careful control of moisture

When kidney failure and decreased urine output, the water will accumulate in the body load, the cardiovascular system is increased, it will no vitality, edema, weight gain, cough, shortness of breath, lie down, hematocrit (Hct) reduced, and concurrency high blood pressure, heart failure, pericarditis, and dialysis due to dehydration drama, prone to headaches, ah, vomiting, muscle cramps imbalance syndrome. Daily weight increase to no more than one kilogram is limited, and water intake for the day before the total urine output plus 500 to 700 milliliters (ml). If the day before the urine of 500ml, then 500cC + 500 (7D0) ml = 1000 ~ 1200ml, that is, the amount of water to drink throughout the day, including water, rice, milk, soup and beverages. Avoid drinking mostly water, can ice mouthwash, chewing gum or squeeze a little lemon juice to reduce the feeling of thirst, try taking the time to focus on to soup consumption, reduce the amount of water.

Fourth, pay attention to the control of salt

Unable to discharge water, salt when renal failure, prone to edema and increased blood pressure. Patient one day should eat no more than 5 grams of salt. 1 g (1/5 tea soup) salt = 6/5 = 1 tea tea soup soy sauce soup MSG, so the above seasoning contains not arbitrarily add salt; can be used instead of sugar, onion, ginger, garlic and so on to improve the taste. And should be limited to high-sodium foods, such as processed canned, salted and smoked products, Levin sauce, pickles, pickles and fast food. If poor appetite, no salt restriction, to be able to eat nutritious for the former title, until a good appetite, there is enough nutrition after another limit salt.

Fifth, beware of potassium too high

Potassium can not be discharged because of the severe damage to the kidneys, causing "hyperkalemia" may cause finger numbness, fatigue, weakness, chest tightness, tongue stiffness, difficulty speaking, loss of consciousness, severe arrhythmia or cardiac arrest. Potassium vegetables: green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, water spinach, amaranth, lettuce), mushrooms, seaweed, kelp, carrots, potatoes.

Potassium fruits: bananas, tomatoes, dates, oranges, oranges, mango, persimmon, melon, grapefruit, carambola (easy hiccups), recommended that each time a fruit-based, serving approximately 1/6 appropriate.

Potassium fruits: pineapple, papaya, watermelon, pear, strawberry, lemon, etc., but not Yichi lot.

Sixth, to maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus

Calcium and phosphorus are important body minerals, both can maintain good growth of bones and teeth, muscles and nerves to function properly. When calcium deficiency shall eat milk, calcium and vitamin D, can reduce the renewal of deputy hyperthyroidism occurred. Phosphorus exists in all protein-containing foods, to have sufficient nutritional intake, but also to reduce the absorption of phosphorus, only chew when eating while taking aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate and other phosphate binders to bind food phosphorus. Note that high phosphorus foods: whole grains and products (such as brown rice, embryo rice, whole wheat bread), offal (liver, kidney, brain), stone fruits (peanuts, cashews, walnuts) and butter products (peanut butter), chocolate, intake of egg yolks, milk, dairy products and the like.

Seven, less consumption of "aluminized and purine" foods to avoid aluminum toxicity and gout.

What precautions renal failure! Do to protect their kidneys healthy is not difficult, but if further treatment is suffering from kidney failure, then it is not so easy, so we want to distinguish the pros and cons, the active use of these effective renal failure methods of prevention.


