
Chronic renal failure how care?

Chronic renal failure how care? Chronic renal failure care knowledge is very important for all of us, the main control points can be, one of its nursing problems, the second is nursing. Together with the treatment can cure this disease.

Although multiple renal failure treatment, but depending on the type of treatment required. For chronic kidney disease, the two-thirds rule seven support, here is easy to see with chronic renal failure care more important. Specific look.

(A) major chronic renal failure nursing problems:

1. Fluid overload - and salt, excessive fluid intake related. 2. Potential complications: stroke volume reduction. 3. infection - and leukopenia cause a decline in immunity. 4. Risk of injury - related hypertension or renal osteodystrophy. 5. impaired skin integrity is dangerous - stage renal disease and edema caused by related. 6. Lack of knowledge - and do not understand the disease processes.

(B) Chronic renal failure care measures:

1. Diet Care: limit the intake of protein, reduce the symptoms of uremia, but sufficient heat should be supplied to the patient in order to reduce the consumption of protein.

2. reduce edema: regular measurement of body weight daily, accurate records of intake fluid volume, and strictly control the amount of fluid.

3. Ensure rest: bed rest, avoid over exertion.

4. Prevention of infection: ward regularly ventilation and air disinfection, strict aseptic technique. Enhance life care, patient education away from public places. Prescribed medication such as skin itching, avoid scratching.

5. discharge guidance: periodic review of renal function, serum electrolytes, etc., accurate records of daily urine output.


