
Chronic renal failure in the end is what kind of disease

Chronic renal failure in the end is what kind of disease

Chronic renal failure in the end is what kind of disease? Only to understand the knowledge, in order to obtain the right renal failure treatment options and let the patient a speedy recovery, it has a lot of symptoms, should also be noted that once a patient suffering renal failure, be sure to choose an effective method of treatment, if you choose inappropriate methods will increase the development of the disease, delay the best timing of treatment of patients, and therefore, the patient should be carefully chosen.

Chronic renal failure called chronic renal failure, renal units were destroyed due to the decrease, resulting in renal excretion of metabolic regulation and endocrine function is severely impaired and causing water and electrolytes, acid-base balance disorders a series of symptoms, signs and complications. Reason children with chronic renal failure in children is closely related to the age of the 1st detection of renal failure. 5 years of age with chronic renal failure often is the result of anatomical abnormalities, such as renal agenesis, renal dysplasia, urinary tract obstruction and other congenital malformations; 5 years after the later acquired chronic renal glomerular diseases such as glomerulonephritis, hemolytic-uremic syndrome or hereditary diseases such as Alport syndrome, cystic kidney disease based.

A variety of chronic kidney disease, with disease progression, progressive destruction of renal units, as well as the residual functional nephron insufficient to fully discharge metabolic wastes and internal environment constant, and thus the occurrence of urinary dysfunction and internal environment disorders, including metabolic waste and toxins retention, water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, and accompanied by a series of clinical symptoms of the pathological process, known as chronic renal failure.

Watch for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lower limb must move often unbearable burning, itching, pain, convulsions and signs of bleeding and the like.

Physical examination: Note respiratory rate, depth, whether the ammonia odor, note the state of consciousness, the degree of anemia, with or without muscle twitching, dehydration, edema, oral ulcers, pericardial friction rub, pay attention to blood pressure and the presence of heart failure signs.

Chronic renal failure symptoms are many, it is a slow onset of the disease, if not treated in time will lead to uremia, once entered uremia stage, treatment will be very difficult, uremia we should not be unfamiliar word, uremic disease of cancer has the second-generation title, from here it is very difficult to see the good in order to complete a large extent uremia treatment of uremia dialysis can prolong the time interval, improve quality of life, and therefore chronic renal failure Patients should be careful not to come uremia this step.


