
Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure recipe!

Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure recipe!
Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure recipe! Suffering from chronic renal failure is not willing to face all things, and treatment of this disease is a long course of treatment. Some patients control the disease through drug did not significantly improved. So, these patients may wish to try the following recipe, the condition is likely to benefit.

A recipe: ginseng longan soup. Ingredients: ginseng 6g, longan meat 10. Practices: tomatoes can ginseng and longan. Effects: Spleen Qi Ginseng function, GuiYuanRou function nourishing nerves. Together they cook, for anemia in patients with chronic renal failure, palpitation who have nourishing and soothing effect.

Two remedies: honey mulberry cream. Ingredients: 500g dried or fresh mulberry 100g, honey 250g. Practice: mulberry fried, add honey cream collection of yin deficiency, insomnia, irritability beneficial in patients with renal failure.

Three remedies: A certain amount of yam, millet, jujube, red bean porridge drink together, need regular consumption, enabling patients to renal failure, spleen diuresis, and stomach nourishing effect.

These three remedies are not suitable for all patients with renal failure edible, the patient should read carefully, to be symptomatic taking proper administration, the disease would have a good effect.


