
Renal failure in several type?

Renal failure in several type? It can be divided into two types, both of which are specific etiology, clinical manifestations are different, so the treatment will be different.

Renal failure in several type? It divided its Jihuan episodes of acute and chronic.

Renal Failure: Due to a variety of diseases resulting in the loss of two renal excretory function in a short time. Referred to acute renal failure. Expressed as oliguria (urine output <400mL / d) or no urine (urine output <50mL / d), electrolyte and acid-base balance and flash uremia occurred, there was nonoliguric person (urine output> 1000mL / d). Timely treatment, appropriate recovery of renal function. Complex disease, or treatment of critically ill patients is not the time to become chronic renal insufficiency or death. Expert Answers renal failure as follows:

Acute renal failure include the following three cases: ① pre-renal azotemia. Since hypovolemia or cardiac dysfunction resulting in insufficient blood perfusion of renal glomerular filtration rate due. ② renal azotemia. Because of stones, tumors or an enlarged prostate cause acute urinary tract obstruction, resulting in oliguria and blood urea nitrogen (Bun) increased. ③ renal acute renal failure. Because renal disorders caused by severe acute glomerular disease found among acute interstitial - tubule disorders, acute tubular necrosis, acute renal vascular disease and chronic kidney disease, and in some incentive for action so that the two sharp worsening of renal function to see the most acute tubular necrosis.

Chronic renal failure: from a variety of causes of chronic kidney disease due to the development of integrated permits a group of clinical symptoms until the late emergence of the composition. According to the degree of renal dysfunction in chronic renal failure will be divided into four: ① renal function decline reserve, asymptomatic patients. ② renal insufficiency decompensated. ③ renal decompensation (azotemia), patients with fatigue, loss of appetite and anemia. ④ uremia stage, there are symptoms of uremia.


