
How to prevent chronic renal failure (cell therapy)?

How to prevent chronic renal failure? Early prevention of chronic renal failure have increasingly attracted the attention of experts and scholars. Early prevention, also known as "primary prevention" refers to chronic renal failure before prevention starts. Early census includes kidney disease, kidney disease to kidney disease and may involve a positive control, in order to prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure. Early measures to prevent chronic renal failure are: your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer!

(1) to strengthen follow-up: regular follow-up to delay the progression of renal failure is very good, there are plans to make the patient for treatment and receive guidance to help patients reduce or avoid aggravating renal incentives, such as drug-induced damage, caused by dehydration hypovolemia, hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, urinary tract obstruction, infection, bleeding and so on. Your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer!

(2) a reasonable diet: a lot of research and clinical observation experiments showed that slows down low protein and (or) low-phosphorus diet enables most patients with chronic renal failure process, even temporarily stop the progress of renal failure. Low-protein diet or combined with essential amino acids reduce chronic renal hyperfiltration state, help prevent progression of chronic renal failure. The main measures to control hyperphosphatemia is low phosphorus diet, such as taking phosphate binders. Your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer!

(3) control of blood pressure: renovascular hypertension or primary control, can prevent progression of glomerular sclerosis. The former is mainly controlled glomerular hyperperfusion, which rely mainly on the application of antihypertensive drugs. Control high blood pressure (or diabetic nephropathy) can be applied to small doses of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (captopril), can reduce glomerular pressure, relieve high filtration state. Your question nephropathy experts have to communicate with you by phone. If there are problems can be directly dial the phone or online one free expert advice. We will continue to serve you to answer!


