
Renal failure (cell therapy) polyuria of complications are those?

Multi-stage renal failure, urinary complications are those? Under normal circumstances, a lot of patients with renal failure, polyuria want to know what are the complications of, by understanding, can enable patients to have a great future course of treatment help. Therefore, patients do not understand, it is necessary to find out.

Recently, many kidney failure patients in the consultation, the complications of renal failure polyuria is the question of what, for that matter Jingdong Sino-US Hospital experts to carry out the relevant knowledge to explain. For renal diseases, it generally has to go through polyuria, oliguria (or no urine period) and recovery of the three stages of development, with regard to renal failure polyuria in clinical complications, usually in the patient daily urine up 3000-5000ml, due to discharge large amounts of water and electrolytes, there may be dehydration, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, etc. If you do not replenish, patients can die from severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

By understanding, we can be found in the urine of more than aware of the complications, the patient should also be aware oliguria, mainly infection, it is the most common and most serious one, more common in severe trauma, burns caused by high decomposition type renal failure. Cardiovascular system manifestations include cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, pericarditis, hypertension. Nervous system and the performance of headache, drowsiness, muscle twitching, coma, seizures and so on. Nervous system and toxin retention in the body as well as water intoxication, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance disorders. Digestive manifestations of anorexia, nausea, Qu vomiting, abdominal distension, vomiting blood or blood in the stool, bleeding due to gastrointestinal mucosal erosion or ulceration caused by stress. Blood system due to the sharp decline in renal function, can reduce erythropoietin, causing anemia, but most are not serious. Small number of cases due to reduced clotting factor, may have bleeding tendencies. When kidney failure patients entered during the recovery period when the majority of patients with renal failure, renal function can be fully restored, a few patients can be left under varying degrees of renal impairment.


